Breaking news - BC Liberal Solicitor General Kash Heed has suddenly resigned this afternoon from cabinet because of a police investigation into possible Election Act violations in his 2009 campaign in Vancouver-Fraserview.
And a Special Prosecutor has been appointed to decide if BC Liberal MLA Jane Thornthwaite should be charged with drunk driving after the North Vancouver-Seymour MLA was pulled over and found to be intoxicated at the wheel February 23. Vancouver criminal lawyer Mark Jette has been named as Special Prosecutor.
Photos - above left former NDP MLA Bernie Simpson and Kash Heed, who he endorsed in the 2009 election; above right, BC Liberal MLA Jane Thornthwaite
Public Eye Online's Sean Holman is reporting exclusively this afternoon that police are investigating "negative stuff" that was out during the 2009 provincial election in Vancouver-Fraserview - that according to an election volunteer interviewed by Holman.
Heed's "Campaign Coordinator" in the election was Barinder Sall, who describes himself as having "built a reputation as one of Canada's top strategic advisors by navigating the careers of several of the country's highest profile personalities."
Sall says he having worked "with dynamic leaders in the realms of politics, business, law enforcement, and community development, he is widely recognized as a highly effective people connector whose collaborations have an impressive record of success."
Sall says he has worked "closely" with Kash Heed, Liberal Member of Parliament and former NDP Premier Ujjal Dosanjh, former federal Liberal cabinet minister Herb Dhaliwal and former Attorney General Wally Oppal. Sall says he attended the Harvard JFK School of Government with former U.S. Secretary of State General Colin Powell.
Sall has worked previously as Oppal's Ministerial Assistant and as former constituency assistant to ex-Vancouver-Fraserview Liberal backbencher Ken Johnston.
During the campaign Heed's election opponent, New Democratic Party candidate Gabriel Yiu, complained publicly that Heed was featured in photos wearing his West Vancouver Police Chief's uniform. Yiu said that was a violation of the Code of Professional Conduct Regulation for police officers, a criticism brushed off by Sall, acting as Heed's spokesperson.
RCMP Inspector Tim Shields said late today that RCMP are investigating an Elections Act of BC offence allegedly involving Kash Heed's campaign office and that "more than one person [is] potentially involved".
The investigation came after a complaint was originally made to Elections BC, Shields said.
"I am confident that I have done nothing wrong," Heed said today. "It is my sincere hope that this matter is concluded as quickly as possible." Heed says he is cooperating fully with the investigation.
Lawyer Terry Robertson has been appointed as independent Special Prosecutor in the Heed case. Premier Gordon Campbell has appointed Attorney General Mike de Jong to replace Heed at least temporarily.
Two former BC Liberal Solicitor Generals have previously been forced to resign also - John Les remains under investigation over allegations regarding his former role as Mayor of Chilliwack while John van Dongen resigned after it was disclosed he had a lengthy record of speeding tickets and a four-month driving suspension.
UPDATE - All attention is now focused on the distribution of an allegedly unauthorized flyer severely and slanderously attacking the NDP during the final days of the campaign to households in the riding.
Dwaine Martin, campaign manager to NDP candidate Gabriel Yiu, tells the Province's Mike Smyth that they were "precision slimed" with a leaflet saying the NDP would impose a death tax, legalize heroin, cocaine and prostitution and force seniors to live in slums - with photo illustrations and written in both Chinese and English.
Here is Heed's resignation statement released today:
For Immediate Release
April 9, 2010
Solicitor General issued the following statement today:
VICTORIA - "On March 24 I was informed by the RCMP that they were investigating alleged Elections Act violations pertaining to a 2009 Vancouver-Fraserview provincial election campaign. At that time I was informed that I was not a subject of that investigation and that I may be interviewed as a witness. I understand that the deputy to the Premier, informed the Premier of this fact on March 26.
On late Tuesday evening, April 6, while I was out of the country, I was informed that the investigation was evolving and the RCMP would want to interview me to determine if I had any role in the allegations. On Wednesday, I informed the Premier of that development.
Upon returning to Vancouver on Wednesday, out of an abundance of caution, I immediately obtained a lawyer to engage the RCMP on my behalf and to establish the facts that were appropriate for me to know and to ascertain what was expected of me to help me make the appropriate decision for my office.
On Wednesday, my lawyer called the criminal justice branch to determine if a special prosecutor had been appointed and he subsequently advised me that a special prosecutor has been appointed in this investigation.
Today I have concluded, out of the respect and regard for the office of Solicitor General of British Columbia and to ensure the continued integrity of that office, that the appropriate action is to step aside pending the outcome of this investigation. I have spoken with the Premier and he has accepted my decision.
Over my 30-year career in law enforcement and public service I have prided myself on putting the public interest first and acting with the utmost integrity. It is with that in mind that I have chosen to step aside.
I am confident that I have done nothing wrong. I fully support the RCMP's efforts and will be co-operating fully with the investigation.
It is my sincere hope that this matter is concluded as quickly as possible. I will continue to represent my constituents as the MLA for Vancouver-Fraserview.
Until all aspects of this ongoing matter are complete, I will not be commenting further on the substance of the investigation as that would be inappropriate."
Kash Heed will be available to speak to media this afternoon:
Time: 3:45 p.m.
MLA Kash Heed's constituency office
3158 East 54th Avenue
Media Contact:
Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General
Public Affairs Bureau
It seems this Liberal gov is rotten right to the core.
Anon 4:52. Innocent until proven guilty. And in Heeds' case he hasn't even been charged.
As for the North Van MLA. Why has a SP even been appointed? I can tell you for sure that in North Van if you blow over you are taken to the station to blow over again. If she was over, charge her.
Does anyone else get the feeling that the sitting government appoints SP's just to delay matters?
friday afternoon every single time ant bad news is released,that's so transparent maybe that's what scambell meant by transparent.
Yep. I somehow don't think this will be Camp Campbell's favourite week on the calendar this year. Or even their favourite year.I'm trying hard to find compassion for them, but there's not even the slightest inkling, just a constantly rising level of disgust with these donkeys. Of course, maybe the one thing I've learned from the reign of (terror) King Campbell was to be completely devoid of warm blood and any form of compassion if it soils the golden path for me and my pals. Boy, those wheels got a lot more wobbly and closer to falling off this week. And that's a good thing.
Curious, that the BC Liberals would wait so long after the International Press had left the 2010 Vancouver Olympics arena to then announce a Special Prosecutor in the instance of a drunk driving MLA from the North Shore who was out celebrating in the Olympics to the hilt, eh
Gee whiz Mr. Tieleman. Barinder Sall used to be my friend on facebook but he seems to have disappeared.
Gary E. beat me to the obvious question. The lady blew higher than the limit, should be charged just like any other drunk driver( Hey Gordo was treated like any other drunk when picked up in Hawaii) She must have pretty good connections.
Heed has not been charged so we will wait for awhile. He sure was chummy with the cop on the stage beside him so maybe he is bulletproof as well.
Three SG's in a row. Gordo can sure pick em.
ida chong !!!!!????
Ha, Ha !
Not only has he not been charged, not even determined if this goes to him personally yet.
Amazing that this circus has been the judge and jury even while the
pixels settle in on the investigative reports.
and why the picture of Bernie Simpson? Oh right yea, used to be major part of the once proud NDP. At a time when the NDP actually meant something.
Picture ranks right up there with the picture of BT with Willy The Zalm.
We've had three Solicitors General go down in flames, or at least smoking suspiciously as they went over the hill, and the Attorney General's Department implicated in protecting public and quasi-public officials accused of misconduct. Why not admit now to a significant problem in justice administration that can only be resolved by material alterations.
I support a Public Commissioner of Justice responsible to the legislature, not the government, who should supervise the justice institutions of BC, including the CJB and the expected civilian police commission. Remove politics from the system.
Three strikes out in basball means an out. Well we have three soliciter generals that have struck out in a row, that should mean an out for the Liberals
Three strikes and you are out in baseball.
We have had threes soliciter generals strike out in BC
The Liberals should be out!
Vancouver Sun "Election Probe at centre of resignation" - <-Link in bold print - Kim Bolan, Doug Ward, Jonathan Fowlie and Lori Culbert
"Heed is B.C.'s third top cop to step aside" - <- Link in bold print - Jonathan Fowlie
Each time a Special Prosecutor is appointed by the Deputy Attorney General of British Columbia to ensure that a fair investigation is presented to the public at the request of the RCMP, one thing happens.
Absolutely NOTHING!
BC Rail has been languishing on the justice books for seven years.
Former Solicitor General John Les dealings as the Mayor of Chilliwack involving land deals case has gone awry while the Agricultural Land Commission does its own parallel investigation involving their protected properties and City hall staff, sits dormant since April of 2008. Could be the RCMP's fault or the BC Liberal appointed Agriculture Land Commission.
Jane Thornthwaite gets the attention of the Deputy Attorney General who hands out the Special Prosecutor status badge because she's a drunk driving BC Liberal Member of the Legislative Assembly. One starts to think that the Deputy's duties of appointing Special Prosecutors is being tampered with by the Attorney General of British Columbia just to stay in power.
And now Kash Heed gets a Special Prosecutor badge because his case is "evolving" (RCMP word and who asked for the intervention by the Deputy AG) which required him to "step aside" and all because of a campaign worker not telling his Father that he used the parent's Richmond press company facilities, without permission, to produce a political brochure during the last provincial election. Daddy would have billed for the services provided in accordance with the BC Elections Act, son doesn't do the bookkeeping. The Election was over in May; Bookkeeping documents submitted by June; resubmitted in August with a balance of $2.94 and not one mention of the cost of the brochure was included in either submission.
The BC Liberals will do anything to stay in power to give us the shaft with the Harmonzied Sales Tax, an election promised not made.
"Three strikes out in basball means an out. Well we have three soliciter generals that have struck out in a row, that should mean an out for the Liberals"
Baseball isn't The Game here in B.C. It's hockey. The NDP didn't score in last season's Hockey Final despite having a few chances at an empty net. The NDP Team was abysmal, they couldn't skate past their own end of the ice, and wouldn't go for bodychecks against the Liberals.
So they lost the Final game and have to sit out the season until the next series in 2013.
Meanwhile, they'll need new coaching staff, and new managers in the Front Office, including owners.
a few bad apples?Holy crap batman the whole barrel turned to moonshine years ago,why the hell do you think their all drunk with power,and drive too!! Looks like the cops are getting a bit of the barrel too they're getting caught left right and centre and by the looks of the court rulings and decisions being made a few judge's quite a few,have been getting their fair share,and supplying the rotten fruit for fermentation ta da,big businesses, gee whiz and we're left with the stench of a hang over.
Who will be left? The chore now is to find an liberal mla, that hasn't been investigated, quit or charged. Do we have any volunteers?
Who will be left? The chore now is to find an liberal mla, that hasn't been investigated, quit or charged. Do we have any volunteers?
I saw one the other day riding a unicorn out hunting dodo birds in the West Vancouver desert.
I am pretty sure their era is over, anyone left gets stench by association, sorta like a skunk spraying. I just hope the scorched earth policy isn't going to happen as there's going to be enough toxic waste left behind by his royal highness and his merry band of renown.
What I'd like to know is,
when does fatass Coleman come into play...
Everyone after him, steps down?
Is it better to resign, then follow in his crap!
"Who will be left? The chore now is to find an liberal mla, that hasn't been investigated, quit or charged. Do we have any volunteers"
Why not VanderZalm?? He used to be a part of the provincial Liberals.
He is after all everyone's hero these days.
I call it the political law of diminishing credibility. The longer a party, any party, holds power in a FPTP system, the more exposed they become to credibility issues and scandal. It's unavoidable under the corrupt electoral system that is First-Past-The-Post.
God knows how many bingogates, Clark 'flesh-wounds' and fast-cat scandals we would have seen had the NDP held power for three consecutive terms.
By all means, in love, war and politics, all is fair. The NDP would be a negligent opposition if they failed to pounce on this Heed resignation and milk it for as much political mileage as possible, but the faint stench of hypocrisy is always in the air when Tweedle-Dee's army is calling Tweedle-Dum's army on the carpet and demanding blood for ethical transgressions.
To Heed's credit, he did the right thing faster than his failed predecessors. Even Farnworth was at a loss for words in last night's news clips, applauding Heed for doing the right thing while we get to the bottom of this.
And to pre-empt the usual NDP paranoia seen on this blog, no - I am not a Liberal shill or a PAB spy. I'm a frustrated BC voter who sees a desperate need for a paradigm shift in the way we elect our reps and exercise democracy.
Kash Heed is as corrupt as they get:
"Mr. Heed’s entrance into politics came coupled with controversy when it was learned the West Vancouver police board had dropped a complaint against him because he had resigned before it was filed.
Mr. Heed had been accused of interfering in a child-pornography investigation by disclosing information to a police-board member who worked at the same company as the suspect.
After the police board dropped the issue, the complaint went before the B.C. Office of the Police Complaints Commissioner, but after a review that body determined the police act doesn’t apply to ex-officers."
"For Immediate Release
April 9, 2010
Where did you find this announcement Bill?
I copied it into Google, hit Enter and all the blogs, newspapers and television companies came up with exactly the way you have it.... but nothing on the Government Press Release.
"Today I have concluded, out of the respect and regard for the office of Solicitor General of British Columbia and to ensure the continued integrity of that office, that the appropriate action is to step aside pending the outcome of this investigation. I have spoken with the Premier and he has accepted my decision."
Just for clarification here, how can someone who is no longer the Solicitor General of British Columbia permitted to use official government paper to make a Press Release that leads the reader to assume that the person doing the writing is a BC Liberal Minister of the Crown?
By the time we hit the bottom of the Press Release MLA Kash Heed is no longer the Solicitor General or, in fact, he wasn't the Solicitor General when he issued his press release because the Premier had already accepted his resignation in writing earlier in the day.
I didn't know that a "headless" ministry could make a Press Release, but right there, down at the bottom we all find out who is running, or perhaps has been running the Solicitor General Ministry all along because of a dismal display of three consecutive BC Liberals MLAs who don't know right from wrong.
Press Release Signed by:
"Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General
Public Affairs Bureau"
"Just for clarification here, how can someone who is no longer the Solicitor General of British Columbia permitted to use official government paper to make a Press Release that leads the reader to assume that the person doing the writing is a BC Liberal Minister of the Crown?"
The Press Release was written just before Heed actually stepped down by giving his resignation to the Premier and the Premier accepting such resignation. Once the Premier
accepted that resignation, then Heed at that second was no longer SG.
The press release is written once the Minister makes his own decision, gets the person to write it and then then he takes his decision to the Premier to seal it.
The written draft notes that Heed wrote can be sent to the writer, then a few minutes afterwards he calls the Premier.
Not all that unusual if a person took the effort to figure out the logical time line of events.
The NDP was faced with the same course of events when they were in power. Good examples were Mike Harocurt, Glen Clark
and Moe Sihota. Their Press Releases went out after the actual
announcement but were written while they were still in their respective roles.
Doesn't explain why the PBA is signing the document, besides why can't I find a copy on the internet of Kash Heed resigning. Does the media have their own copies because they were at the scrum with the MLA or did the BC Liberals shred every copy that the government had?
In the government Press Releases as of Friday there isn't one mention of Kash Heed resignation, nor is there another Press Release saying that the Attorney General has taken over the Solicitor General's job.
The public shouldn't have to rely on the news media to give us the facts in an open and transparent government, eh.
One of the complaints to Elections BC was that Kash Heed used his uniform as the West Vancouver Police chief to sell himself as a BC Liberal candidate in the last provincial election. Perhaps he didn't authorize the use of a photograph of his being in uniform, but one thing is abundantly clear in this link, the writer named below did:
"BC Liberals News Release
Wednesday, April 22, 2009"
"Kash Heed will work toward building a dedicated seniors centre"
"Barinder Sall, Campaign Coordinator, Kash Heed Campaign
– 30 –"
Now here's a Catch 22 for you.
Someone from within the BC Liberal campaign to elect Kash Heed produces a brochure loaded with false statements attributed to the NDP (yanked by Elections BC from Canada Post delivery system) and then Kash Heed responds to the brochure, or is it from another source, hearsay in the form of those concerned about the contents of the brochure:
For Immediate Release
May 1, 2009
....."Heed, who was accompanied by Sherry Wiebe, the BC Liberal Candidate for Vancouver-Mount Pleasant, met with a number of community leaders to discuss and listen to their concerns. Chief among them were the prospects of an NDP Death Tax, supported by a number of NDP candidates, which would unfairly tax the estates of individuals passing on their hard-earned assets to their family members. Heed expressed concern that such a proposal would cause great harm to many of the family-owned businesses that give Chinatown its unique character."....
Source: http://www.kashheed.com/news/
"For more information, please contact:
Barinder Sall, Campaign Coordinator, Kash Heed Campaign
"Doesn't explain why the PBA is signing the document, besides why can't I find a copy on the internet of Kash Heed resigning."
Ministers write the original text, a PBA does the actual writing on the release. Sends out the media.
Nothing new there within the BC Liberals, the NDP had the same system when they were in power.
"Does the media have their own copies because they were at the scrum with the MLA or did the BC Liberals shred every copy that the government had?"
Yes to first (they are sent out the media outlets), no to second, since copies are saved on the servers.
"In the government Press Releases as of Friday there isn't one mention of Kash Heed resignation, nor is there another Press Release saying that the Attorney General has taken over the Solicitor General's job."
Didn't look hard enough.
"The public shouldn't have to rely on the news media to give us the facts in an open and transparent government, eh."
They don't have to. BT here can explain how that actually works since he was a Commmunciations wonk for the NDP's Premier's Office.
Perhaps Anonymous 4:18 p.m. would like to enlighten readers here a bit more - because I cannot find any trace of the Kash Heed resignation statement online at a government website anywhere.
I understand that this government doesn't like to acknowledge bad news but this is ridiculous.
I have no problem with the release being sent out as Heed walked out the door and don't think that's the important point - what's more troubling is that the government doesn't want to make a critical document available to the public through its own websites.
The version you see on this blog was taken from media copies - not from a government website.
One thing is clear here, MLA Kash Heed says he advised the Premier, but there's no proof of that. The PAB for the Solicitor General Minister wrote a resignation on their boss' behalf which is somewhat clear, sort of.
What the Government of British Columbia has failed to do is to connect the dots by making the Premier's acceptance of the resignation public via the normal channel on a late Friday afternoon where he likes to bury his doom and gloom Press Releases like its just another one of those surprise announcements like HST is here .... to stay, its so simple.
The Premier is reportedly in receipt of the third BC Liberal Solicitor General resignation in two years. John Les in early April 2008, John van Dongen April 2009 and now Kash Heed April 2010. I like a good April Fools joke but this is a bit of a stretch when the answer is always the same. Another resignation from another Solicitor General of BC.
As far as the public can ascertain by doing a search of the government's website, the BC Liberal Cabinet is missing one prominent photo... Kash Heed, without any reason being given for his absence from the Executive Council. An Order in Council dated June 10 2009 notes that Kash Heed is a member of the Cabinet but there hasn't been any posting to say otherwise for April 9 2010.
Make it easy for us will you 4:18 because this is what you wrote:
"Ministers write the original text, a PBA does the actual writing on the release. Sends out the media.
..... no to second, since copies are saved on the servers."
We all know from the antics at the BC Rail trial that NOTHING is saved on the servers!
Everything is by word of mouth; everything is shredded in an open and transparent government.
1)Kash Heed & Dirty Tricks to get Chinese voters also spreads to Harper on the Federal scene !
2)Dirty Tricks to get Chinese Voters in BC goes back to at least 2008 - Pivot released internal e-mails linking the Bill Good Show , Stephen Harper , the RCMP , Randy White & his Canadian Drug Prevention buddies who tried to manufacture lies to shut down the Safe Injection Site . While Ginning up Law n Order Chinese Voters for Harper etc.
----- Original Message -----
From: Steve Dockeray
To: r green corus ; programming @cknw com ; nwnews
Sent: Saturday, October 11, 2008 12:09 PM
Subject: Mr Green , why did you not ask stockwell day about 1) Internal, E-Mails released by PIVOT linking the Bill Good Show , the RCMP , Randy White & the Government to anti-drug Propaganda & 2) The lies Harper told about the Chuck Cadman bribe tape ?
Mr Green , why did you not ask stockwell day & Stephen Harper about 1) Internal, E-Mails released by PIVOT linking the Bill Good Show , the RCMP , Randy White & the Government to anti-drug Propaganda & 2) The lies Harper told about the Chuck Cadman bribe tape ?
steve dockeray
Milner bc
NVG - I agree with your observations - the SolGen website (minister's link) was vacated as soon when I checked on Friday pm.
Nothing but blank white space - whatever happened in the back rooms, it wasn't done with any degree of care and finesse - in fact, quite the opposite.
Did they forget? Were they waiting for an announcement from Campbell about who would be taking up the SolGen's reins in the interim (obviously it would be de Jong)?
Or are they just getting rattled and starting to lose focus?
Most of us know about how to access the Lobbyist registry, but did you know that accessing British Columbia Disclosure Reports from Elections BC is just as easy.
For example, Kash Heed's Financial Agent (Satpal Johl) reported TWO disclosures, one in August another in October of 2009, both are available at this link with the October version being the more meatier of the two:
A click on the October Amendment 1 PDF takes the reader to a reported Surplus balance of $2.94 instead of the original August Surplus of $15,135.
As reported in various newspapers the newest one ($2.94) doesn't include the Death Tax mail-out by a Richmond printer on behalf of the BC Liberals.
For a full listing of every candidate's Disclosure Report here's the link, but there's no break down on how many other Financial Agents submitted multiple reports to Elections BC:
Once you are at this page click on "Get Listing"
Interestingly, I clicked on Gordon Muir Campbell and he too had an Amendment 1 on his Disclosure, but that research is for another day, but going back to Satpal Johl Disclosure report there is a twist to the report compiled by the Accountant, Robert Ikoma, that is not duplicated in the Premier's:
The Chartered Accountant uses not only Kash Heed's name but also Linda Reid's which leaves me wondering who's Disclosure statement has been presented to Elections BC, eh.
It turns out that Satpal Johl is the Financial Agent for both candidates, but the Chartered Accountant has made a typo on Kash Heed's, pity, but it is a legal document that needs amending again.
Big deal. On the NDP side, there are a few candidates that use the same Financial Agent.
The NDP does the same thing. There are amendments to some NDP candidate submissions too.
Makin a big deal out of nothing as per usual. The more detailed and fun stuff is with the leadership contests.
Kash Heed is STILL the Solicitor General of British Columbia. The Proof? Its all there on the Bio for the various MLAs.
John Les: "John has served as Solicitor General" http://www.leg.bc.ca/mla/39thParl/lesJ.htm
John van Dongen: "Mr. van Dongen has served as the Solicitor General and Minister of Public Safety." http://www.leg.bc.ca/mla/39thParl/vandongenJ.htm
Kash Heed: "Kash Heed was appointed Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General on June 10, 2009." http://www.leg.bc.ca/mla/39thParl/heedK.htm
7:26 leadership races are one thing but what kind of monies did the BC Liberals pour into winning a riding?
There is a set limit not unique to each riding conditions, or as Elections BC states:
"Candidate election expenses limits
For a fixed date general election the election expenses limits for a candidate are:
$70,000 during the 60 day pre-campaign period, and
$70,000 for the campaign period"
Wally Oppal received $140,284.23 from head office.
Kash Heed received $65,760 from head office.
Source: BC Disclosure Report as noted by nvg
MLA: Hon. Michael de Jong has had a new title added to the AG, that is SG, but as far as his Bio is concerned there hasn't been a whisper of an official appointment via an OIC.
"Michael G. de Jong, Q.C., was named British Columbia’s Attorney General on June 10, 2009."
"In addition to his role as Attorney General, Mr. de Jong also serves as Government House Leader, a post he has held since 2005."
Vicki Huntington received $1,299.31 and she WON.
I wonder how many votes would have separated the two if they both had $1,299.31 to spend, or
They both had the maximum of $70,000 to spend, or
he had $70,000 to spend against her $1,299.31 Vicki Huntington Page 12 Wallace Taroo Oppal Page 28 ($140,284.23)
"Kash Heed is STILL the Solicitor General of British Columbia. The Proof? Its all there on the Bio for the various MLAs."
What crap is this? It's a simple matter that the bio has not been upgraded. Obviously someone doesn't
know how to read properly.
That bio is not proof.
DeJong has taken over the S/G portion and has done so since Heed stepped down.
Think readers are going to find that it was not Heed personally that did this mess, but a key person or persons within his campaign. That's where the chain of events is heading.
Here's the official transition of the Solicitor General to Attorney General from Orders in Council.
OIC's are decisions made by Cabinet
(Bill here can explain those to you
as he knew about them during the
NDP's term in power. An OIC for example was issued when Moe Sihota
was bumped off Cabinet and again when he returned)
"Approved and Ordered April 9, 2010
Statutory Authority: Constitution, ss. 9 and 12
a) The designation of the Honourable Kash Heed as Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General is rescinded.
b) The designation of the Honourable Michael de Jong as Attorney General is continued.
c) The Honourable Michael de Jong is designated also as Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General."
If people are going to be critical of Kash Heed or any other BC Liberal or NDPer at least learn and then research get the facts right, rather than relying on silly notions that a Bio is "proof" that Heed is still S/G.
Your order in council DOES NOT EXIST
"Approved and Ordered April 9, 2010
ORDER IN COUNCIL 186" was corrected by Google to be:
"Approved and Order April 9, 2010 ORDER IN COUNCIL 186"
And it still doesn't exist so why not stop giving us the run around and give us the LINK.
Here's one for you to start from based on your info that goes nowhere:
Does someone have to take a person by the hand and lead them to an easy to accomplish session of reasearch??
You're not going to find everthing on a Google search. Most of the time a person has to actually learn how to look.
So rather than perpetual whining,
here's a holding of the hand.
Here's the link:
Next time, you're on your own. I'm out to collect signatures for Bill's anti-HST petition.
Statutory Authority: British Columbia Railway, s. 30 (1)
Effective April 1, 2010, Peter Milburn is appointed as a director of the British Columbia Railway Company.
Source: http://www.qp.gov.bc.ca/statreg/oic/2010/RESUME08.HTM
Peter Milburn Deputy Minister BC Ministry of Transportation and ....
Source: http://bcrco.com/bios/PeterMilburn.pdf
Ahhhhh, now I understand why the OIC didn't show up on April 9th, 2010 when the Premier accepted Kash Heed's resignation.
The last date for Resume of Orders in Council Volume 37, Number 10 is April 15th, no daily printing is done by Queens Printer until they've reached the mid point of the calendar month or the end of the calendar month.
Actually wrong. OICs are made during Cabinet sessions, or in this instance the Premier or a Minister can issue an OIC. There is one Cabinet session per week. So there is no "daily" printing of OICs. They are collected on a weekly basis. Learn to read.
If the reader went through them he would notice there are several per month.
If there's going to be critical comment, end the silly postulations and actually learn.
There is no difference in the time line of these OICs and those that were issued during the NDP's time in government. Bill can attest to that quite easily.
Amazing how some 'experts' have things worked out which turn out to be wrong even at the fundamental level.
Which takes us all the way back to why there was no OIC (Press Release) on April 9th from the Premier's Office.
The ONLY record of it happening is in the http://www.qp.gov.bc.ca/statreg/oic/2010/RESUME10.HTM which you provided and it didn't happen till after April 15th otherwise you would have provided an earlier source than http://www.qp.gov.bc.ca/statreg/oic/2010/RESUME10.HTM.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Afternoon Sitting
Volume 14, Number 2
"M. Farnworth: We have now seen three Solicitors General resign in under two years. Can the Premier tell us when we can expect to see a new Solicitor General in what is a very important file and, hopefully, whether or not that Solicitor General will last longer than the previous three Solicitors General?
Hon. G. Campbell: Hon. Speaker, I am glad to convey through you to the House the activities over the last couple of weeks. On Friday, March 26, the Deputy Minister to the Premier informed me that there was an Election Act complaint….
Mr. Speaker: Whoa, whoa, whoa. The same….
Mr. Speaker: Hon. Members. Hon. Members.
Hon. Members, the same rule applies to both sides of the House.
Mr. Premier, the same rule for the fact that we're not entering into this investigation by the RCMP applies to both sides of the House.
Hon. G. Campbell: I respect that. First, let me say that the acting Solicitor General is a man of impeccable credentials. He will be serving the people of British Columbia well over the next number of months, and I have every confidence in his ability to carry out this task as well as his tasks as Attorney General."
"Three people linked to Kash Heed's election campaign face charges
But Heed, who stepped aside as solicitor-general, is cleared of wrong-doing
By KIM BOLAN and JONATHAN FOWLIE, Vancouver Sun May 3, 2010 6:18 PM"
"....campaign manager Barinder Singh Sall, financial agent Satpal Johl and bulk mailer Dinesh Khanna were all charged"
Read more: http://www.vancouversun.com/Three+people+linked+Kash+Heed+election+campaign+face+charges/2981076/story.html#ixzz0mvPxd36C
Source: http://www.vancouversun.com/Three+people+linked+Kash+Heed+election+campaign+face+charges/2981076/story.html
Full documents of charges
Source: http://www.vancouversun.com/pdf/SpecialProsecutor_ApprovesCharges.pdf
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