BC Liberal supporter Tariq Ghuman back in the party fold, attends Port Moody-Coquitlam by-election event with candidate Dennis Marsden, ex-federal Conservative cabinet minister Stockwell Day on Monday night
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Liberal candidate Dennis Marsden, left, poses with party supporter Tariq Ghuman, centre, and former International Trade minister Stockwell Day at an event this week. (SCREEN GRAB from Flickr) |
By BILL TIELEMAN, 24 hours Vancouver/QMI AGENCY
A B.C. Liberal Party executive member who resigned his position for inviting
a convicted attempted assassin to the B.C. Legislature last month appears to
be back within the Liberal fold.
Tariq Ghuman attended a campaign event for the party¹s Port Moody-Coquitlam
by-election candidate Monday night along with party nominee Dennis Marsden
and former federal Conservative cabinet minister Stockwell Day, who is
supporting Marsden in the as yet uncalled vote.
Ghuman resigned after questions about his bringing of Jaspal Atwal as a
replacement guest to the budget speech February 21 on a ticket from Premier
Christy Clark¹s office.
Atwal was convicted of attempting to murder a
visiting Indian cabinet minister in 1986.
Marsden spokesman Matt Stickney said the campaign was not concerned about
the optics of Ghuman¹s presence.
“He doesn¹t have any formal role he just dropped in it was a public event,” Stickney told 24 hours Tuesday. Stickney added Ghuman is not a donor
to Marsden's campaign.
Radio India talk show host Gurpreet Singh says Ghuman has unfairly been made
the fall guy for the B.C. Liberals in the incident.
”Tariq Ghuman has been made the scapegoat and the only one. What about all
the other big shots who knew about this?” Singh asked.
Ghuman did not respond to telephone and text messages for comment.
After the controversy erupted about Ghuman bringing Atwal as a substitute guest to the BC Legislature on a ticket from the premier's office, he quickly resigned from the BC Liberal Executive, where he represented Metro Vancouver southern suburbs.
Ghuman also resigned his position as President of BC Liberal cabinet minister Stephanie Cadieux's Surrey-Panorama riding association and similarly quit as federal Liberal Party of Canada riding president for Surrey-North after his connection to Atwal was made public.
Premier Christy Clark expressed shock at the time Atwal's attendance was revealed but a media report by Indo-Canadian radio station Red FM at the time stated that Atwal had attended and spoke at a Clark leadership event during her successful campaign.
Clark communications staffer Shane Mills said this month that Atwal "may have" made a short speech at the event and shook hands with Clark but "that's it" - the premier "doesn't know him. He didn't have any role in her leadership campaign."
The Vancouver Sun's Kim Bolan, who broke the original story, has also reported this month that Atwal is a member of the BC Liberal Surrey Fleetwood-Port Kells riding association executive, which party executive director Don McDonald confirmed.
Atwal received a 20-year sentence for his part, along with three others, in the 1986 attempted murder of visiting Punjabi cabinet minister Malkiat Singh Sidhu. He was shot twice in an ambush on a deserted road on Vancouver Island but survived. Sidhu was later assassinated in India.
Atwal and his accomplices were linked to the International Sikh Youth Federation
In his resignation letter to BC Liberal Party President Sharon White, Ghuman wrote:
"The young people, I originally invited could not attend due to conflicts with their mid-term exams, and Mr. Atwal came in their place. I did not inform the Premier's Office that I was bringing different guests, and I am sorry for my oversight,” Ghuman wrote.
A shorter version of this story ran in Wednesday's 24 hours Vancouver print edition
OT, but... Wow
AGT poste a link to Sara MacIntyre going postal on the media... just WOW!
Director of Communications for Premier Christy Clark, Sara MacIntyre, did not want the press asking any questions of the premier at the Globe conference.
Read it on Global News: Raw Video: Sara MacIntyre - News Hour - Videos | Global BC -- http://www.globaltvbc.com/video/raw+video+sara+macintyre/video.html?v=2210068914#only+online
Campbell would do his dirty deeds, and then leave the country, just in time for the next sitting of the Legislature.
Christy too, can't afford to be questioned, too much to hide I guess. Sara is indeed a pit bull, that keeps Christy from being grilled.
What a farce of a government. A government so corrupt and evil, the premier has to hide and slink away. Why doesn't Christy send Boessenkool to do her dirty work for her? Or leave the country as Campbell did?
Really...You Lib's must think the rest of the world, does not have a clue...
Too bad the last federal election "wipeout" lesson has not taken hold. Stupidity and arrogance, will get you a back seat, at the government table.
Still have not gotten it yet...hmmm
There are mistakes and then "real mistakes. This individuals lack of judgement in bringing his "criminally linked buddy" to a BC Liberal photo op, really show's where his "common sense" is.
And now? the Federal Lib's are right back at it. Some organizations and people, just don't get it!
It's my understanding every single person attending the budget speech as a spectator needs a separate invite. No one gets "tickets" to allow them to bring personal guests.
Maybe someone could confirm this?
"Too bad the last federal election "wipeout" lesson has not taken hold. Stupidity and arrogance, will get you a back seat, at the government table.
Still have not gotten it yet...hmmm
There are mistakes and then "real mistakes. This individuals lack of judgement in bringing his "criminally linked buddy" to a BC Liberal photo op, really show's where his "common sense" is.
And now? the Federal Lib's are right back at it. Some organizations and people, just don't get it!"
Well don't get so smug, Sunshine.
You may have work along side those clowny federal Liberals, if one federal Liberal gets his way:
Who knows, maybe Bill here will even get to write communications for this future "additional Coalition MP".
That would be interesting.
and by the way, there is no fusion between the clowny federal Liberals and the joke which is the BC Liberal Party. There hasn't been since the early 1990s. The NDP? One size fits all.
Be sure to vote Mulcair as your first choice, Topp as your second.
Keep the federal NDP where it belongs. In Opposition.
In this case Crooks of a feather hang out together. What a farce this LIbERal Party is.
"In this case Crooks of a feather hang out together. What a farce this LIbERal Party is."
Just as a farce the NDP has been in the past, and will be in the future I suppose.
Wonder how many NDPers from other provinces will come to BC to get jobs in the new Adrian Dix goverment such as appointments to BC Hydro?
The NDP had crooks too, remember.
"The NDP had crooks too, remember" Please, please, sir or ma'am, remind us again about the 20th century.
Absolutely nothing bad going on in the 21st century, is there?
B.C. Rail
B.C. (er, Telus) Place.
Carbon Tax
Smart Meters
I.C.B.C.- shifting of huge wads of cash
The Debt..approaching $60 Billion..now that's sound fiscal management.
(woops, wrong century)
Anyone care to add to the list for our friend?
Adding to the list...
"Harry Bloy, B.C.’s Minister of State for Multiculturalism, has resigned from the provincial cabinet after he admitted leaking an email to a private company."
BC Ferries being used as a Peggie bank for the Liebrels to balance the budget, the IPP debacle, ripping up union contracts than having to retract the same after getting their ass kicked in court. And on and on.
Cooking the books at BC Hydro, taking debt and putting it on the books for future Governments to grapple with and taking money as a result of the cooking and putting it into general revenue again to balance the books.
The Liebrels couldn't run a popcorn stand honestly.
"Cooking the books at BC Hydro, taking debt and putting it on the books for future Governments to grapple with and taking money as a result of the cooking and putting it into general revenue again to balance the books.
The Liebrels couldn't run a popcorn stand honestly."
Not bad. Missed a few. But doesn't rattle this blog contributor.
Going to be interest to see how these NDP Caucus Researchers defend their own governmet the next day after they make a major error, or can't seem to resolve the many things they have complained about.
We can start with one, the taxpayer funded propaganda that has come out from Christy Crunch's government.
I will expect that absolutely NO taxpayer funded and government paid for advertising of NDP government accomplishments will exist, and that all such advertising will be totally paid for by the NDP Party.
If Bill here quite rightly gets to work on such things, he will bill the NDP Party and not the government.
In addition, the NDP government will absolutely NOT hire past campaign managers, past provincial board members, riding association executive members, 1990s era NDP hacks, MLAs, to any Crown Corporation Board, Commissions, and all such NDP appointments are done on occupational and professional background and merit only.
As for the tolls, good luck on that one. The NDP was wailing like a spoiled baby over the Coquihalla tolls, and yet not once did they ever remove those.
and the one way HOV lane over the Port Mann was pure genius. Thing was that Harry Lali forgot that people have to go TO work as they do coming home FROM work.
Have fun defending the NDP. I certainly will watching that trying to happen.
"Have fun defending the NDP. I certainly will watching that trying to happen." Grammar!
If the New Democrats turn out to be as corrupt as the Lieberals, I could only hope that independent thinking voters would turf them out on their asses. The point you miss consistently is not about electing Dix. It's about kicking out the corrupt SOB's currently haunting the legislature. Swing voters can think for themselves Mr. Liberal. One day you will realize that swing voters are the key to winning. They don't need your help there.
If the New Democrats turn out to be as corrupt as the Lieberals, I could only hope that independent thinking voters would turf them out on their asses.
Corrpution is one thing, hypocrisy is quite another. The BC Liberals have been corrupt, no question, but what (and when) at the point
the NDP start being hypocrites? They (and you and many on this blog I might add) have been screeching about just about everything (other than corruption) the BC Liberals have done, such as those feel good ads, and appointments for the boys and girls. What if the NDP does the same thing (and dear boy, they indeed have in the past, and I am very sure they will try to get away with it in again).
"The point you miss consistently is not about electing Dix. It's about kicking out the corrupt SOB's currently haunting the legislature."
So according to you, dump out the BC Liberal SOBs, but not elect anyone that will actually do positive things for the province?
Not bad. You've learned one fundamental about the political environment. Vote against something, not for something. Reactive instead of proactive.
"Swing voters can think for themselves Mr. Liberal. One day you will realize that swing voters are the key to winning. They don't need your help there."
Indeed they so, Mr. NDP.
You're also forgetting one thing.
They don't need your help either.
and my being a strong supporter of the BC Liberals? It does exist,
except with you. Down there where the brown matter you obviously make meets the air.
Have a nice day.
"and the one way HOV lane over the Port Mann was pure genius. Thing was that Harry Lali forgot that people have to go TO work as they do coming home FROM work."
The Libs have a better idea!
Make a 10 lane bridge, so traffic is squeezed back down to 2 lanes east and 3 lanes west, then hit taxpayers with an annual $1500 a year toll. While your at it, increase the debtload in this province. Something taxpayers will remember while stuck in traffic jams all day. Much better!
Make a 10 lane bridge, so traffic is squeezed back down to 2 lanes east and 3 lanes west, then hit taxpayers with an annual $1500 a year toll.
Actually wrong. The additional lanes on either side spur off. There are express lanes in the middle which equate the 3 lanes on either side from Granview Highway to Langley.
The bridge should have been replaced 17 years ago, but with previous goverments (which I might add does indeed include Social Credit), did nothing, other than a short term solution.
Lali made HOV lanes in each direction from Vancouver to the Port Mann. Trouble was he wasn't smart enough to go to Clark or previously Harcourt to try and start a new bridge.
But to the NDP's credit, the Barnet People Mover is a winner.
The West Coast Express is a partial winner.
Try some fundamental reading of project drawings. Follow the lane configuration. There are no two lanes in each direction on either side of the new bridge. Not east until you get to 208 St. in Langley
nor west.
While your at it, increase the debtload in this province. Something taxpayers will remember while stuck in traffic jams all day. Much better!
The taxpayers have been stuck in traffic jams after Harry Lali the NDP Transportion Minister completed his one way across the bridge HOV lane. So reconcile that.
And just how does one correct the problem of current gridlock? Some NDP MLAs are actually for the crossing.
You would indeed increase the debt load of the province if the tolls were not there to apportion costs of building.
But you have a choice.
Use it or use transit.
Transit passes are available at your local corner store.
Get one.
and while on the bus, read about the NDP's solution to the problem, if they manage to come up with one that will actually work for everyone.
Dude, where in my posting did I say where the lanes squeeze into 2 or 3? Have you tried going to Abbotsford or Chilliwack at 3pm? Have you tried travelling to Willingdon from Abbotsford at 7 am?
I thought so.
PS,I have no need for bus passes to Bellingham. Thanks. You just keep voting for Chrispy.
Why does anyone who criticizes the corrent bunch of criminals automatically get branded an NDPer?
Please do not assume I am one. Thanks.
"Indeed they so, Mr. NDP."
Sorry , wrong again.
There is one other candidate to support. Call me a Conservative. Thanks.
"Try some fundamental reading of project drawings. Follow the lane configuration. There are no two lanes in each direction on either side of the new bridge. Not east until you get to 208 St. in Langley
nor west." Apparently, no one lives east of 208 street. For that matter, west of Boundary.
" Down there where the brown matter you obviously make meets the air."
Um, what?
I was wondering who built the Sea Bus terminal?
Adding to the list...
Firing all HEU hospital cleaning staff. Hiring underqualified people doing a less than stellar job. Burnaby hospital being the latest. Way to go, Gordo!
Apparently, no one lives east of 208 street. For that matter, west of Boundary.
Well according to you. and besides, the three lanes on each side continue across the Second Narrows Bridge.
As far as 208 goes, there's not the traffic volumes to justify three lanes each way to meet the three lanes going up to the Coquihalla Pass.
If either are such the idea for you, take it to Harry Lali when he becomes Transportation Minister again.
I was wondering who built the Sea Bus terminal?
That was one of the few winners from the 1972 NDP Barrett government.
Buying Ocean Falls was not, and neither was Icky Bicky and not to
mention Panco Poultry.
The NDP at the time also brought in two other winners.
A prize if you can guess what it is.
Every government comes out with winners, but there's catastrophic failures.
A person has to be a complete idiot to think that there won't be one with the Adrian Dix government.
There will be, and there will be many hypocrisies.
Bet your ass on that one.
Dude, where in my posting did I say where the lanes squeeze into 2 or 3?
Dude, read this:
"Make a 10 lane bridge, so traffic is squeezed back down to 2 lanes east and 3 lanes west
Saturday, 17 March, 2012 10:54:00 AM PDT"
If this wasn't you, it was someone else using Anonymous.Dude.
"Have you tried going to Abbotsford or Chilliwack at 3pm?
Yes, for alot longer than you have. Dude.
"Have you tried travelling to Willingdon from Abbotsford at 7 am?
I thought so."
You think correctly on that one regarding me? Not possible, Dude.
PS,I have no need for bus passes to Bellingham. Thanks.
Well, that's good because (surprise) they don't exist. You an only use Translink passes to get to White Rock's 9th Ave near Highway 99. from there, it's a walk across the border to Whatcom County Transit. But that's okay Dude. You have a great future being an assistant to Harry Lali the future Transportation Minister. You share a common aspect. Both of you couldn't get basic transportation infrastructure right.
"You just keep voting for Chrispy."
Sorry Dude. I have no intention of voting for Chrispy Crunch. She does not live in my riding, and I am certaintly not going to vote for her candidate offering in my riding either.
Okay with you Dude? I thought so. Thanks.
That was one of the few winners from the 1972 NDP Barrett government.
Buying Ocean Falls was not, and neither was Icky Bicky and not to
mention Panco Poultry.
The NDP at the time also brought in two other winners.
A prize if you can guess what it is.
-Would one be the Royal Hudson Steam train which ran from '74 to '99?
A prize if you can guess what it is.
-Would one be the Royal Hudson Steam train which ran from '74 to '99?
Another winner, but not the correct answer. Choose another.
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