Global TV reports Sunday night that BC Liberal MLA caucus whip John van Dongen has called an emergency meeting for this week following Premier Gordon Campbell's disastrous television appearance, ongoing uproar about the Basi-Virk/BC Legislature Raid deal and increasing organized opposition to the Harmonized Sales Tax.
Watch this space for more information as it become available.
Watch this space for more information as it become available.
UPDATE MONDAY - Global TV's Catherine Urquhart had the story on Sunday but it seems to have not been followed by any other media to date.
Urquhart reports that an "extraordinary caucus meeting has been scheduled for this week. No meetings were scheduled for several weeks after that but an urgent order came from party whip John van Dongen."
"It's believed the meeting is due to increasing dissension in caucus ranks," she said.
Urquhart pointed out that an Ipsos Reid poll after Campbell's TV address last Wednesday found that only 13% of viewers had improved their opinion of the premier while 47% said their opinion had worsened after watching it and 39% said it had no real impact.
UPDATE - MONDAY 7:30 p.m.
CBC online is reporting that BC Liberal MLA caucus chair Ron Cantelon is admanant that Premier Gordon Campbell's leadership is not on the agenda for the caucus meeting Thursday and that it is a regularly scheduled meeting - not the "emergency" meeting Global TV reported on Sunday evening.
"No, it's one of our regular meetings," Cantelon told CBC. "We realize it would be timely to gather the troops together before we go to convention in Penticton. There's been a lot happening."
No kidding, Ron!
and laila has come out with the second round of her shadow tax, this doesn't look good for the BC Liberals
Given the multimillion dollar debt the BC Liberal's have - it would be better for all if the party folded, wrote off their debt, and started over under a new leader.
The November 19-20 BC Liberal convention should be interesting.
Who will be BC's Premier on Nov. 21?
Should be an interesting month.
Preparations for the for the Oak Bay - Gordon Head Recall are going well.
The BC Fiberal convention will be an upbeat event, I'm sure.
No matter what the BC Liberals call it Mr. Campbell's emergency meeting will be the same old collection of Greed Is Good fart-catchers.
Even if these fellatio artists could get The Leader to go for a walk in the rain, what have these BC oral-plutocrats got to chose from . . . KEVIN FALCON, RICH COLEMAN, MIKE DeJONG ?!
Without the Dianne Watts this party has zero going for it.
So I am betting Herr Campbell will stay in the premier's bunker until at least APRIL, 30th, 1945!
If John Van Dongen called the emergency meeting, one would assume it is about the current round of Campbell "faux pas" and his future - that is how I readthe statement anyway.
I sure hope so as Pinocchip Gordo "the liar" Campbell has become a liability to all now.
Laila Yuile's piece this morning - really hammers home the integrity and credibilty of the BC Liberal party for all to see - and it ain't finished yet !
The back up plan is already in place for the BC Liberals to fold up their tent and its called the BC Conservative Party.
"its called the BC Conservative Party."
I'd call it "Miscellaneous". They have no leader and nothing that could be sold to the voting public.
Seems to be more of a means for Randy White and Cummins to run provincially.
Now that business contributers have managed to obtain most of British Columbia's major assets have they 'cut off' funding to the party but are giving well paid jobs and positions to the folks who enabled the 'transfers?' Seems the cash flow has stopped compared to the lavish spending in the '90's on anti NDP propaganda. Now that the business have got what they want why contribute to the Liberals.
wirro said: "I'd call it "Miscellaneous". They have no leader and nothing that could be sold to the voting public".
That will be the job of the MSN, they will introduce us and by election day the masses will swoon.
Same old, same old...
BC citizens are angry regarding, Campbell's corrupt sale of the BCR trial. Furious at De Jong, for not allowing any further investigation, of the BCR debacle. We are sick of the BC Liberals lies, their dirty tactics and arrogance. They have displayed their contempt for the BC people, far too many times. We will never forget nor forgive them, their treachery against the BC people. Get rid of this entire foul and evil BC Liberal party.
update from the echo chamber
Public Eye's Sean Holman is reporting that the van Dongen dissension discussion has been "scheduled for Thursday at 10:00 in Vancouver. Notice of the meeting went out on Friday."
"That will be the job of the MSN, they will introduce us and by election day the masses will swoon."
Wrong. It's up to Randy White to convince the voters to vote for him and his nonsense party. This is the same party that has MPs that voted for HST and supported an HST scheme in the past.
same old same old.
Gordon Campbell
For gifting the taxpayers of BC with a $600 million dollar retractable roof that doesn't work in the rain!
BC Place stadium general manager Howard Crosley stated the fabric material in the folding part of the roof will gather water and so won't be able to open or close in rain or high winds.
Fortunately Vancouver is not noted for its windy wet weather.
And now Hansen has the balls to threaten Sears if they offer their customers HST refunds for major purchases if the referendum is successful.
Incredible too, is that this story is only found on the Edmonton Journal website!
The Sears HST story is on the Vancouver Sun website with a dateline of November 1, 2010 7:03 PM.
Wonder when the story was written as opposed to posted on the website.
Unbelievable Anon 7:58!! Like the rebate cheques to lower income folks, and the recent 15% income tax cut bribe aren't to be considered "inducements to vote a certain way on the HST."
How many ways are there to tell a government to kiss my a$$?
That it's found in the Edmonton Journal rather than The Province or VSun, is proof of their inability to serve anyone but themselves and Campbell. Talk about a waste of paper and trees!
"No, it's one of our regular meetings," Cantelon told CBC. "We realize it would be timely to gather the troops together before we go to convention in Penticton."
On who's dime are you gathering the troops together before you go to convention in Penticton?
Why are taxpayers paying you to travel, not on government business, just the BC MLAs can have a Rah, Rah session in Victoria?
CBC online is now reporting that Gordo's future is not on the agenda for Thursday's caucus meeting.
what telling comments on here. You lefties are a classy bunch.
Anonymous said...
what telling comments on here. You lefties are a classy bunch.
11:20 PM PDT
as classy as a liar of a leader along with his buddies who care little about anythinng but rewarding their own see Basi-Virk BCR as a shining example lets talk about classy .
Seems its getting tricky for campbell supporters or pab paid helpers i guess.
Liberals cry foul over Sears' pledge to refund HST
Retailer will return tax paid if legislation is repealed next year
By Jonathan Fowlie, Vancouver Sun November 2, 2010
Sears risks legal penalty in B.C. over HST rebate offer
Store offering refund tax to consumers in B.C. for certain items
By Jonathan Fowlie, Vancouver Sun November 2, 2010 5:28 AM
All of this is nothing different than the deal struck by the new car dealership organization when the GST came out. Dealers often advertised that they would pay the GST, but they were doing it because simple math, on the are lot, allowed consumers to quickly determine the mark up price. How? Federal government regulations requires that consumers don't pay the GST on the MARKED UP PRICE. Consumers pay the same GST that the dealers pay to those customers trading in their old vehicles for new vehicles.
The Sears deal - whaddya expect from Huggies - intelligence, integrity, thoughtfulness, humanity? NOT!
Ya get thuggery, cheapness, sleaziness, and general goon-like behaviour; just like in a tin-pot dictatorship.
"Why are taxpayers paying you to travel, not on government business, just the BC MLAs can have a Rah, Rah session in Victoria?"
For the same reason the taxpayers paid for travel by NDP MLAs when the NDP was in government.
Could the BC courts be convinced to follow Ontario's lead?
The Ontario Court of Appeal has knocked down a long-standing barrier to full public access to the courts, ruling the CBC could see and make copies of exhibits in the Ashley Smith case, including a videotape of the teen’s dying moments in a Kitchener prison cell.
Court exhibits have been guarded like state secrets in Ontario’s justice system and reporters are routinely denied access to documents, videotapes and other material that could assist in explaining a case — everything from a summary of the facts surrounding a guilty plea to, in one case, something as innocuous as a photo of a dog.
Even going further: The BC public should be able to examine all of the material that the Basi/Virk defense had access to.
From: Steve Dockeray
Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 2010 2:57 PM
To: c c ; cclark@cknw. ; nw ws ; nwnews ; programming com ; t t ; jmccomb
Subject: Do the People of BC get an 5% GST Rebate ( Feds ) & a 7% HST rebate from Gordo that total 12%
Do the People of BC get an 5% GST Rebate ( Feds ) & a 7% HST rebate from Gordo that totals 12% --
http://www.cbc.ca/canada 1) Ontario will end HST rebates after a year 2) According to CBC , BC will mix the GST rebate with a HST rebate
British Columbia is also switching to the HST on July 1, but the province won't be sending out rebate cheques like Ontario. B.C. has converted the quarterly GST credit into a combined GST/HST credit to be called the HSTC credit.
Read more: http://www.cbc.ca/canada/windsor/story/2010/06/08/ont-hst-rebate-cheques-100608.html#ixzz14AEuPCQP
steve dockeray
milner bc
"Even going further: The BC public should be able to examine all of the material that the Basi/Virk defense had access to."
Would be rather difficult since the case is now closed and it would be costly to set another hearing to remove the publication ban. The Judge could lift the publication ban, but given the huge volume of documents, there are costs associated for replicating those, and of cours who picks up the cost of making copies?
Most of the public has since moved on from Basi/Virk, except for the left wingies who want to hang on and speculate.
As for the BC Liberal Convention, its not absolute. It would not mean the absolute end of Campbell's role as leader. The voting had since been done, there isn't any leadership vote at the convention itself.
If the result of the leadership review totals 49.9% or less, then the party goes to leadership contest, but I doubt that will be happening.
Remember the NDP too is having a leadership review soon.
So this means, the meeting isn't an emergency, Campbell is still in favor? Good grief, how much more stupid is this going to get? I guess this will mean, all of the Mla's will have to be recalled, to save what's left of this province? BC is already terminally ill. All of our assets and natural resources, have been sold and given away. Campbell and his business friends have profited. Those assets and resources, belonged to the BC people. Campbell thieved them, and sold them. That was not his right to do so. He should have been, thrown in prison, the minute he fraudulently sold the BCR. He should have been forced to resign, when he got a criminal record, by his DUI..
Gordon Campbell should NEVER be allowed to resign or be replaced as the leader of the BC Liberals or fold up the Party even if he is convicted of corruption/bribery or even if he is in jail.
As BC's most inept resource , economy , services manager ever he should rot as the leader of the BC Liberals.
Gordon Campbell should go down in history as the modern example of how SOME businesses : forestry, fish farm, rail/transportation, oil/gas can manipulate willing politicians/consultants/media/ universities ;skew provincial policy/bureaucracy to underutilize/devalue the potential returns to the Province from resources and use industry knowledge to deliberately deceive an urbanized population.
@3:22 who wrote: "Would be rather difficult since the case is now closed and it would be costly to set another hearing to remove the publication ban."
The case is still 'open' for 30 days from Oct. 18 when the plea deal was entered.
The publication ban was terminated with the plea deal on Oct. 18.
Most of the right wing breathed a sigh of relief and "moved on" - the majority of British Columbians (including the "left wingies") are more concerned about facts and process that would provide truth, substance, and light to the darkness that engulfs the BC Rail deal.
"The case is still 'open' for 30 days from Oct. 18 when the plea deal was entered.
The publication ban was terminated with the plea deal on Oct. 18."
The actual legal activity surround the case is closed. I would doubt there would be changes to the agreement set forth. If you mean an appeal, which technically can be filed, I would doubt that would happen, since it would just add more costs to a hugely costly case which should have been settled 5 years ago.
"Most of the right wing breathed a sigh of relief and "moved on" - the majority of British Columbians (including the "left wingies") are more concerned about facts and process that would provide truth, substance, and light to the darkness that engulfs the BC Rail deal."
Wrong. Myself and many right wingers are relieved the case is over but in terms of ending the insane length of time and cost of the trial, not being in support in any way of Basi Virk, Brown and Campbell in terms of the outcome.
But with that, there is relief this insane trial is finally over and have since moved on. The Left wingies want to use the trial as a crutch against the BC Liberals which they are entitled to, but that's more of a manifestation that the NDP and the left haven't come up with new and innovative ideas to develop the province economically.
As a former Liberal, I feel that posting Campbell to a cushy diplomatic role after his disastrous reign as BC Premier is another example of term dictatorship.
Most BC residents would like to see this guy in jail and yet he is rewarded for his track record of unethical and immoral behavior.
Add to that illegal if the BC Rail Inquiry hadn't been suspiciously ended or has this been forgotten.
In the private sector this outrageous behavior would have you canned and booted out the door pronto.
In Liberal Politics it receives a generous reward which is clearly against the wishes of voters. In addition I can't bear to even think about the lucrative pension that this clown will receive.
Seeing him return brought it all back for me. It doesn't matter who else is running in the next election but the Liberals won't get my vote. I feel dirty just thinking about them.
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