"I'm disappointed that the NPA chose to stick their heads in the poop, and abdicate their role as leaders. They played partisan politics with poop, and the city is the poorer for it," our mystery commentator said.
"I will continue to raise the issue, and look forward to moving my discussions with businesses, scientists, and environmentalists forward to bring a solution for this problem," the commentator added.
Here's a hint: the issue was not NPA Mayor Sam Sullivan's crappy leadership, not NPA councilors constipated approach to significant city issues, not NPA school trustees exhibiting irritable bowel syndrome on education concerns.
Give up? It was none other than Vancouver COPE Park Board Commissioner Spencer Herbert.
This man has his shit together! Dog shit that is - and he want to recycle it.
Here's the COPE newsletter version:

"Herbert moved a motion at Monday night's Park Board meeting asking the board to consider some environmentally sustainable solutions for dog waste.
The City of Vancouver's over 60,000 dogs produce up to 4.4 million kilo's of dog waste a year. Much of this ends up in the city's land fill in plastic bags which won't biodegrade. Herbert wanted the Park Board to investigate possible solutions which include composting the waste, turning it into methane for use in heating, and creating electricity, and the possibility of having it go through the City's sewage system.
The motion brought much attention and had community members out to support it. The idea was featured on the front page of the Vancouver Sun, and had Herbert speaking about this unique idea on many radio shows.
Unfortunately the NPA Commissioners saw it another way, and voted against the motion defeating it in a tie vote (Commissioner's Herbert, Woodcock, and De Genova in favour).
"I'm dissapointed that the NPA chose to stick their heads in the poop, and abdicate their role as leaders."
"They played partisan politics with poop, and the city is the poorer for it. I will continue to raise the issue, and look forward to moving my discussions with businesses, scientists, and environmentalists forward to bring a solution for this problem," Herbert said.
Commissioner Herbert will also be working to draw attention to the Everett Crowley Park Committee's volunteer pilot project on dog waste composting, and see whether it can be adopted around the City."
Come on NPA - cut the crap!
OK old buddy...fair comment is one thing but trying to prop up a whackjob is quite another...Herbert is living proof that God still loves an idiot. Mind, this story is also proof that COPE (and Vision to a somewhat lesser extent) are still the best at shovelling the shit.
Did notice though, funnily enough, that if you let your eye wander (no, not like that, silly)from Denser Herbert's picture, to the right, appropriately, there is a picture of you, with my old boss and good friend former Premier Bill VanderZalm ...and fancy that, Spencer's hat on your head!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please old buddy, say it isn't so. Please tell me you do not plan to dress like Herbert, please, Lord above save us! Save you!
Say it's all just crap!
Alex - you are too sharp a knife to be left in the drawer!
I think it's great that Spencer is a young man who wears a hat.
Even better, unlike me he has a full head of hair and still wears a hat.
Come on Alex, even you would look better with a fedora - and maybe a violin case.
I'd have to borrow my son's violin case...we keep that kinda tradition in the family...
Thanks for the laugh!
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