Christy Clark has gone from charismatic champion of the BC Liberals to
lacklustre leader. What happened?
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Premier Christy Clark at Laxmi Narayan Mandir Hindu temple last month |
Bill Tieleman’s 24
Hours Vancouver/The Tyee
Tuesday April 16,
By Bill Tieleman
"For every
person who says they dislike her because she's too casual, there is another
person who dislikes her because she is too formal."
- Angus Reid pollster
Mario Canseco on
Christy Clark
How do we dislike
B.C. Premier Christy Clark? Let me count the ways.
Because with a 65 per
cent personal disapproval rating in a poll last month, a 20 per cent gap behind
the front running New Democrats and only 16 per cent saying she would make the
best premier after two years on the job, Clark is obviously not Miss
Congeniality to British Columbians.
Some media pundits
have professed
it to be a mystery why Clark has gone from the BC Liberals' charismatic
champion to a lackluster leader but there's a room full of obvious clues, some
that we saw on her half-hour Sunday TV infomercial.
Clark has proven to
be a political chameleon who will say and do anything to get votes, with
breathtaking arrogance.
Like telling
an audience celebrating Philippine Independence Day last year that: "In my
heart, I am Filipina." Really?
Or on TV Sunday
claiming that since her father left their family debt free, how could she leave
B.C. with a debt? And the word "debt" kept getting repeated through
the show.
Yet the BC Liberals
are on their way to doubling the provincial debt since 2001, from $33.8 billion
to $66.3 billion in 2015! But who cares about facts?
Then there's Clark's
short shift for TV cameras as a diner "server", her Vancouver Canucks
jersey girl pose [jinxing our Stanley Cup run?], setting up Alberta Premier
Alison Redford as the "bad girl" on the Enbridge Pipeline proposal
and Clark attacking the "sick
culture in Victoria" -- despite previously saying she loved the
B.C. Legislature.
Or how about Clark, a
perpetual federal Liberal Party member who worked in Ottawa for them, cozying
up to Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper -- even hiring several of his
hard right ex-staff to make her look less Liberal.
Or becoming pals with
former Reform Party leader Preston Manning, even attending
his "conservative family reunion", a gathering of the kind of people
Clark used to denounce as dinosaurs on her former CKNW radio talk show.
'She's willing to
say anything': former radio colleague
Instead, Clark now
denounces CKNW itself, criticizing several on-air hosts last year at a BC
Liberal fundraiser for apparently not giving her an easier ride.
CKNW host Gord
MacDonald wasn't going to take it anymore and he let Clark have it:
"We thought she
was bright... she sounded articulate... and we all understood when she went
left radio to seek the premier's job after Gordon Campbell resigned. Boy, were
we wrong. Now, she insults the CKNW listener. Nobody listens to CKNW
any more, right?" MacDonald broadcast on air
last July.
"Yet again,
Christy Clark showed on Saturday she's willing to say anything to anybody to
get their vote. But speaking as one who clearly misjudged her talents as a
politician, a word of warning. When times get tough, some people stay true
to their word. Others, like Christy, don't," MacDonald concluded.
I had my own Clark
experience at CKNW when she started guest hosting and I was making regular
appearances and guest hosting also.
"You should stop
attacking me," Clark told me in the studio off air one day, unhappy with
my coverage of her role in the B.C. Legislature Raid case. "We're working
on the same team now."
"No, we're
not," I replied, rather astonished she would attempt such a blatant effort
to influence my reporting.
Negative vibes
Clark is dislikeable
for other reasons, with her condescending, self-righteous tone, singularly
inability to admit any personal mistakes and lack of vision for the province.
Take her "jobs
plan" that incorrectly claimed last fall that B.C. was first in job
creation in Canada when it was actually in sixth place
-- and has dropped further since then, without ever being corrected.
No matter -- spend
$15 million in taxpayer dollars to advertise your jobs plan and spread the
misinformation just before an election.
Are there still other
ways to dislike Clark?
How about Clark's
annoying habit
of attempting to sound like a working class hero by deliberately dropping the
"g" from words and sounding more like Larry the Cable Guy than
Christy the Premier?
"What's needed
here is a dose of humility and sort of asking for forgiveness," Hamish
Telford, political science professor at Fraser Valley University Telford told
CKNW's Bill Good on Monday.
"And for this
premier, humility doesn't not come easily but I think it is important -- this
lack of humility is why often politicians get turfed out," he said.
"Parties rarely win elections in Canada, governments lose them."
And Clark leads a government
headed for a humility lesson.
The old expression says" I may think you are stupid, open your mouth and you prove it" I notice on TV today, the only MLA's I saw around her were the Doctor and some guy. Not ringing endorsements from the gang.
she droppes her g's"extremely petty.There's no substance to what you say.No sound like a bully
Mrs Clark and most liberals do not tell the truth. From the HST to taxpayer ads their spin is more lies. They fooled the public before elections but their past actions have come to light.
"Clark now denounces CKNW itself, criticizing several on-air hosts last year at a BC Liberal fundraiser"
And here's the YouTube video of Christy Clark doing exactly that.
You have to see this to believe it. Over 4,500 views so far.
Christy Clark: "Ladies and gentlemen, I'm delighted to see over a thousand people here today. And as Kevin said; you know some days you read Vaughn Palmer and; you probably don't …"
‘Beans and Jeans’ BC Liberal Annual 2012 Summer BBQ
YouTube - Nobody listens to CKNW any more, right?
So on Friday April 5th I called up Bill Good and asked him what he thought of her remarks at last years BC Liberal BBQ.
Bill Good:
"She was reacting the way she often does, a bit too much off the cuff without thinking about the longer term implications"
Bill Good actually said that on the air
Reacting without thinking about the longer term implications = SCARY
You have to hear that to believe it.
Here it is (right-click to save or just click and be amazed)
(MP3) - start at 9:10
Bill Good Fri April 5
Someone is obviously obsessed with someone who isn't makin' it in politics and will be history.
Love your blog!Ha ha ha "Larry the Cable Guy" jj
Wednesday, April 17, 2013 at 2:18:00 AM PDT
Do you have to be such a candy ass!!
snc 10 year
SNC 10 years? Yeah so?
Certainly something to scream and yell about while running down Broadway isn't it?
So now that the election is here, when is Bill going to outline NDP policies and which ones of those does he figure won't work too well?
If Bill figures he's a journalist he should critique NDP policies and direction just as he has done and rightly so, but a bit excessive, on BC Liberal ones.
Seems to be overly critical of BC Liberals, but silent on NDP.
Not hard to figure out why.
Another Christy Clark embarrassment is shown in her campaign’s somewhat release of the following statement or “spin” regarding strata legislation that affects over 700,000 BC voters:
“Today’s BC Liberal government recognizes the importance of the strata housing market to homeowners. Since 2001, we have worked with strata owners and stakeholders to develop legislation and regulations that support this key housing sector.
In 2011, we conducted an extensive consultation process with stakeholders and the public on new legislation and regulations for depreciation reports, audited financial statements and a model for improving strata dispute resolution processes. More than 1,800 people participated in this process, with nearly 95 per cent of respondents in support of a strata dispute resolution model. The consultations were supported by strata organizations and stakeholders.
Our government subsequently introduced legislation to create a strata dispute and small civil claims tribunal. Strata residents and stakeholders have been requesting a more effective mechanism to resolve strata disputes. The Civil Resolution Tribunal will offer a full array of online tools, available 24/7, to help British Columbians solve common strata and small civil claims. The independent tribunal will provide families, small business owners, the strata community, and others with a convenient, speedy and cost-effective alternative to going to court. Last month, we appointed an acting chair to begin the foundational work necessary to get the Civil Resolution Tribunal up and running.
If re-elected, Today’s BC Liberals will continue working with the public and strata organizations to improve legislation governing strata properties in B.C. ”
This may sound good to some but not to those who have followed the government’s handling of the strata file. The facts are that the government did nothing at all until after a 2008 expose by the VISOA. The “new” legislation mentioned here was chosen by the government without public consultation. Subsequently, it did a couple of online surveys of owners regarding regulations needed to implement its previous choice of SPA amendments. This is far from an “extensive consultation process” with the public. On the matter of the Civil Resolution Tribunal legislation, the government allowed only 30 minutes to debate this Bill, in spite of its many flaws, and did not allow any public review or amendments. So to “continue” to work with the public and strata associations it would have to first “start” by opening up the SPA for its first review since 1998 and base that review on public input rather than its usual closed-door process of dictating a few amendments based on private discussion with political insiders.
Another Christy Clark embarrassment is shown in her campaign’s somewhat release of the following statement or “spin” regarding strata legislation that affects over 700,000 BC voters:
“Today’s BC Liberal government recognizes the importance of the strata housing market to homeowners. Since 2001, we have worked with strata owners and stakeholders to develop legislation and regulations that support this key housing sector.
In 2011, we conducted an extensive consultation process with stakeholders and the public on new legislation and regulations for depreciation reports, audited financial statements and a model for improving strata dispute resolution processes. More than 1,800 people participated in this process, with nearly 95 per cent of respondents in support of a strata dispute resolution model. The consultations were supported by strata organizations and stakeholders.
Our government subsequently introduced legislation to create a strata dispute and small civil claims tribunal. Strata residents and stakeholders have been requesting a more effective mechanism to resolve strata disputes. The Civil Resolution Tribunal will offer a full array of online tools, available 24/7, to help British Columbians solve common strata and small civil claims. The independent tribunal will provide families, small business owners, the strata community, and others with a convenient, speedy and cost-effective alternative to going to court. Last month, we appointed an acting chair to begin the foundational work necessary to get the Civil Resolution Tribunal up and running.
If re-elected, Today’s BC Liberals will continue working with the public and strata organizations to improve legislation governing strata properties in B.C. ”
This may sound good to some but not to those who have followed the government’s handling of the strata file. The facts are that the government did nothing at all until after a 2008 expose by the VISOA. The “new” legislation mentioned here was chosen by the government without public consultation. Subsequently, it did a couple of online surveys of owners regarding regulations needed to implement its previous choice of SPA amendments. This is far from an “extensive consultation process” with the public. On the matter of the Civil Resolution Tribunal legislation, the government allowed only 30 minutes to debate this Bill, in spite of its many flaws, and did not allow any public review or amendments. So to “continue” to work with the public and strata associations it would have to first “start” by opening up the SPA for its first review since 1998 and base that review on public input rather than its usual closed-door process of dictating a few amendments based on private discussion with political insiders.
The Strata Advocate has extensive experience on Condo issues as does the other VISOA directors.As a condo owner, and an ex board member of a strata I agree with what He is writing. A good project for after May for the new government.
Amongst everything else.
Don't forget the NDP isn't going to be able to do everything for everybody.
There's going to be disappointments with a Premier Dix government.
Be here when it happens.
Visit your NDP MLA after it happens.
A brilliant position on the BC Place and Convention Centre!
The "socialist" NDP dumping losing assets.
Clark crying.
Be there when they do!
Interesting that the NDP did not want the Convention Centre built, there was screeching about it even in here.
But yet the NDP had three events at the New Convention Centre.
Hypocrisy anyone?
Mr. Dix woke up on Earth Day and
cancelled the Kinder Morgan pipeline
after stating he would not comment on
that matter till after the company submitted a proposal and the proper reviews were completed as a matter of that's policy?
This is far from an “extensive consultation process of strata dispute resolutions.
Thinking a lot of the people that are backing Christy here are her or her family.
I can't stand that she is leaving disabled to live on $906 a month. I worked, I paid taxes now I need help & my daughter and I are kicked to the curb, the disabled and the others that are low income don't matter to her. She sets up work plans for us, seriously? If I could work I would LOVE TO, but I am not able to.....
When is she going to show she is a real woman and a real politician and start helping those in need in this province.
Heard a blurb today by one of her staff saying by 2024 we will be the most progressive province, really? You need 10 years to get your act together?
I have to do creative budgeting every day.
Oh and add that fixing poverty in BC would cost not much more than she paid to fix the roof on BC Place where as it takes 9 billion to keeps us down and out and segregated from society. Yes I know that is a run on sentence but when I talk when I am frustrated I use them lol.
Grrr and another reason, she closed group homes. My daughter will need one for her to ever move out. She doesn't want a home share with another family she has a family. She wants to live with girl friends just like other women her age do. No she doesn't want to live with someone you hire to live with her one on one, we wouldn't know who that person is bringing in or if they are bringing drugs and booze in or if they might rape her thinking as a vulnerable person they would never get caught.....
Now it's 10 pm, lets think of something cheerier...... oh yeah how about only 3 more years and we wave goodbye.........
Once again, she has sold our beautiful province down the river of the almighty dollar. Having no consideration for food, natural resources, Native rights, or the environment, ahead goes the Site C Dam!. Perhaps Ms. Clark should remember that she and Mr. Harper are representatives of the public, not the demigods they perceive themselves to be. The arrogance astounds!
Once again, she puts herself above all of us. Having no regard for the opinion of British Columbians, she approves the most devastating project (Site C) in our history. She will rot in hell and it can't happen soon enough.
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