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Premier Gordon Campbell & George Abbott |
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Christy Clark on TV |
And Clark attacks George Abbott over his alleged negative campaign against her
UPDATE - Abbott fires back at Clark - see end of post
UPDATE #2 - Abbott accuses Clark of being backed by "supported by NDP insiders who see her as the easiest opponent to beat to bring the NDP back to power in 2013" - see very end of post - could he be referring to Clark supporter - and ex-BC NDP Caucus Communications director Brad Zubyk
UPDATE #3 - FRIDAY FEBRUARY 11 - Union Of BC Indian Chiefs asks "Does Christy Clark see Russia from her living room window?"
In a scathing news release from Grand Chief Stewart Philip today with that headline, the UBCIC denounces Clark's support for the federally-rejected Prosperity Mine project.
"As part of Christy Clark’s campaign to lead the BC Liberal Party, Ms. Clark has publicly stated, if elected, she would strongly encourage Prime Minister Harper to overturn the federal decision to reject Taseko Mine’s proposed Prosperity Mine.
“Ms. Clark’s shameless pandering for Liberal delegates support serves her political aspirations and does not serve the majority of British Columbians who share the environmental values of First Nations and which are reflected in the federal independent panel’s decision,” said Grand Chief Stewart Phillip, President of the Union of BC Indian Chiefs.
“The federal panel and federal environmental assessment process took the time to hear the many concerns of Tsilhqot’in Elders, women, families and leaders about the land, water, fish and wildlife.”
It's getting to be an uglier and more interesting BC Liberal leadership campaign - today two of the top contenders to become BC's next premier separately pledged to support a weighted vote that will hinder them and help opponent George Abbott.
UPDATE - Abbott fires back at Clark - see end of post
UPDATE #2 - Abbott accuses Clark of being backed by "supported by NDP insiders who see her as the easiest opponent to beat to bring the NDP back to power in 2013" - see very end of post - could he be referring to Clark supporter - and ex-BC NDP Caucus Communications director Brad Zubyk
UPDATE #3 - FRIDAY FEBRUARY 11 - Union Of BC Indian Chiefs asks "Does Christy Clark see Russia from her living room window?"
In a scathing news release from Grand Chief Stewart Philip today with that headline, the UBCIC denounces Clark's support for the federally-rejected Prosperity Mine project.
"As part of Christy Clark’s campaign to lead the BC Liberal Party, Ms. Clark has publicly stated, if elected, she would strongly encourage Prime Minister Harper to overturn the federal decision to reject Taseko Mine’s proposed Prosperity Mine.
“Ms. Clark’s shameless pandering for Liberal delegates support serves her political aspirations and does not serve the majority of British Columbians who share the environmental values of First Nations and which are reflected in the federal independent panel’s decision,” said Grand Chief Stewart Phillip, President of the Union of BC Indian Chiefs.
“The federal panel and federal environmental assessment process took the time to hear the many concerns of Tsilhqot’in Elders, women, families and leaders about the land, water, fish and wildlife.”
It's getting to be an uglier and more interesting BC Liberal leadership campaign - today two of the top contenders to become BC's next premier separately pledged to support a weighted vote that will hinder them and help opponent George Abbott.
And Christy Clark laid a barrage on Abbott over his ongoing attacks on her campaign.
Ouch and ouch. And they were all getting along so well before!
Falcon and Clark both issues statements saying they are in favour of the weighted vote proposal to be decided at the BC Liberal special convention in Vancouver Saturday - but Falcon earlier this month announced he'd signed up 17,500 new members and Clark is reputed to have signed up 20,000 to 25,000 new BC Liberals.
NOTE: Figures above do not include Kamloops Blazers hockey team members, cats, Joey's Restaurant managers or others unaware of their new memberships or where they reportedly live.
Here are excerpts from Clark's and then Falcon's statements, followed by Clark's full attack on Abbott - stay tuned for more fireworks!
“This Saturday, BC Liberals will gather in Vancouver and at sites across the province and make a decision that is critical to the future of our party across British Columbia.
“I am strongly encouraging all delegates to accept the leadership election rule changes recommended by the party executive that call for regional weighting, so that each riding has an equal voice in selecting our next leader. Governments are elected by giving 85 ridings equal weight and I believe this principle should be followed in this leadership election.
“The NDP have chosen a one member-one vote system for selecting a new leader. They are cutting rural British Columbia out of the equation and that is quite simply wrong. Rural B.C. deserves a voice and the NDP are stifling that voice.
“It’s important that all parts of the province thrive and to do that you need to make sure voices from all regions are equally heard.
“On Saturday, I will put my hand up in public and vote for the regional weighted voting system because it is the right thing to do and will help bring the party and province together.”
Thursday, February 10, 2011
VANCOUVER, BC - BC Liberal Party leadership candidate Kevin Falcon reiterated today his support for a weighted vote system, and encouraged delegates to Saturday’s extraordinary convention to vote for the new rules.
“I believe any new leader must demonstrate that they can secure support from every part of this great Province,” said Falcon. “The weighted system will significantly strengthen the leader in the minds of both members and the public at large. The BC Liberal Party executive has made a good recommendation to the delegates, and I encourage the convention to adopt the point system for ridings.”
On Saturday, Feb. 12, delegates to the BC Liberal Party convention will vote on adopting a new system, where each of BC’s 85 ridings will be awarded 100 points in the leadership vote. This gives every riding an equal say on the new leader.
“As I have travelled across BC over these past three months, meeting BC Liberal members from big cities and small towns, from urban areas and rural communities, from every region, I have been continually reminded of
how diverse our province is,” said Falcon. “We need to hear from them all on Feb. 26, and the weighted system is the best way to do that.”
Christy Clark:
Response to Abbott’s Negative Campaign
George Abbott is running a campaign of negative attacks against Christy Clark.
Here are the facts:
Health Care
As a former deputy premier and vice-chair of Treasury Board, Clark knows we need to maintain sustainable funding in the health care system by improving innovation and focusing on the needs of an aging population. Her plans for health funding are consistent with recommendation #1 of the Legislature’s Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services for the 2011 budget. Check page 24 of the report found here.
We are having this leadership campaign because the HST was mishandled. In announcing her candidacy, Clark put two potential approaches to the HST issue on the table. Then she went out and did something that should have been done about the HST long ago — she listened to British Columbians. After this consultation, Clark is recommending a referendum be held on June 24. Clark also believes the province should fund both sides of the question as a way to start breaking down the distrust created by mishandling of the HST in the first place.
Election Date
Clark believes it is unreasonable to expect British Columbians to accept an unelected premier for more than two years. The question is who can win a general election. The clear answer from poll after poll is Christy Clark. You can learn more here.
Coalition Unity
Clark is deeply concerned that the negative campaign being run by George Abbott puts the unity of the coalition at risk. It is worth noting the NDP have focused most of their attacks on Clark – while ignoring Abbott – as they know she is the biggest threat to their return to power.
Rural BC
Clark has made getting the Prosperity Mine up and running her top priority for dealing with the federal government.
Clark has also released a comprehensive plan to create jobs and economic development in rural BC. You can read the plan here.
Abbott’s assertion that “Clark would rather ignore the law and spring an early election on British Columbians just to avoid the risk of running in a byelection” is ridiculous and completely unfounded. Why would George Abbott make this up?
At 12:53 p.m. Thursday, the George Abbott campaign released the following statement.
"Christy Clark has launched a media campaign claiming that she is the subject of “negative attacks” from myself and other members.
But here is the truth. The opinions and concerns I have expressed are not about being positive or negative. This is about seeking accountability from those running for Premier, and establishing a clear contrast between candidates so that BC Liberal members understand they have a fundamental choice in front of them.
This is not about Ms. Clark as an individual, but it is about the highly controversial and contradictory positions that she has presented over the past three months. There is nothing wrong with me, or any other party member, asking her to be accountable for those positions.
Trying to silence discussion around legitimate issues as “negative” does nothing to help members make a decision, and does nothing to drive democracy in our Party."
George Abbott
BC Liberal Leadership Candidate
Public Eye Online's indefatigable digger Sean Holman has uncovered an attack by George Abbott on Christy Clark in which Abbott claims Clark is being "supported by NDP insiders who see her as the easiest opponent to beat to bring the NDP back to power in 2013".
Could Abbott be referring to Clark campaign spokesperson and ex-BC NDP Caucus Communications Director Brad Zubyk?
The ex-Premier Mike Harcourt era Zubyk - who has also worked for Phil Hochstein's BC Liberal-loving ICBA, the federal Liberal Party and other even more dubious international clients - is more than likely who Abbott is targetting, though rumours of other Dippers for Christy continue.
But Zubyk's loyalties tend to end with his last paycheque - and his Christy Clark role has more to do with getting an in with a possible premier than helping out the BC NDP - where his bridges are burned..
Bill, the weighted vote was according to my sources engineered by the government relations operative of government relations operatives herself as a BC patriot to make sure the North was represented in this AND future contests...
This is not about helping Toronto-style politics. In fact, every BC Political Junkie should watch this and realize the danger of such politics...
Frankly I would like to see Christy Clark win to change the tone in Victoria. And if she can't win since Alise Mills isn't running, I back Kevin Falcon so we can have our own Bill Tielman make us a most effective fighting force...
The Gordo clones are fighting among themselves, still.
They can keep Zubyk we don't want him back
Wasn't Abbott a dipper in his youth?
yes, well they could only keep it civil for so long. now its getting entertaining.
As to who do you trust? none of them. they would all lie and they have. they aren't called Lieberals for nothing.
Fifteen years ago the Youth Wing of the fossilized Social Credit Party (those over 25 and under 60) moved on and did a hostile takeover of the Liberal Party of BC.
Now after decade in power the On-The-Take Liberals are on the brink of another metamorphosis, but this time its not a name change . . . its a front bench change.
If Mike Symth is right and Pamela (ms. BC Botox) Martin does run for elected office as part of Team Queen Christy . . . you will see the CanWest/Global/Bell plutocrat talking-heads news team finally achieve its destiny and move to the front bench of the BC Legislature.
After Plastic Pammy Botox, imagine Bill (fat ass) Good, John (Dirty Harry) Daly as Honourable Ministers of the Crown, and an even fatter-assed pompous Dennis Skulski as Lt. Governor.
BC the land of useless hype will finally get its wish and be ruled by corrupt and mindless hype 24/7.
Yup. Don't want Zubyk back. Keep him Christy.
These people seem to forget that they have to work together when this is over. Love watching the backstabbing and bickering....
The Liberals appear to be engaged in a race between irrelevance and disintegration.
Not one candidate has provided a comprehensive or coherent vision or policy in major issue areas such as fair tax reform, post-HST policy, or an anti-poverty strategy.
None will deal with the need for an independent inquiry into the BC Rail fiasco.
George accuses Christy of abandoning the party in its time of need. Kevin contiues to sign-up Howe street devotees and those who want free Ipods. Both accuse her of fraudulent membership practices.
Who cares? It's time for a change.
Campbell has caused the financial ruin of BC. He is now, turning BC into a polluted wasteland. It doesn't matter which Liberal candidate wins. We will only trade one tyrant for another. We can see, Campbell is steering Clark and Falcon. Out of the blue, they are suddenly promoting, dumping toxic waste into Fish Lake. Campbell, had threatened the First Nations previously on this issue. Ottawa said, they could re-apply, to dump the mine waste, into Fish Lake. Campbell is the master of dirty tactics. He will still be bossing even though, he is supposed to be gone. Count on it. He is, far too full of, hate, spite, malice and is far too vindictive, to just leave. The Liberal candidates, are a pack of hyena's, sniping, biting, and turning on each other. It could matter less, which hyena wins. They are all Campbell clones.
Do we trust Adrian Dix? What about Harry Lali??
BC's finest Devilled Ham spread:
"BC the land of useless hype will finally get its wish and be ruled by corrupt and mindless hype 24/7"
Would there be any difference if Dix and his minions take over the NDP?
Sorry, it is unrelated to the topic, but it kind of jumped out at me - did I see correctly that the Christy camp referred to the BC Libs as a (gasp) COALITION? How can they ever be invited to the same table with Harper and the federal Conservatives?
I guess a coalition is undemocratic and illegal when it includes socialists and separatists. But capitalists and pro-business lackeys - okey dokey.
Then again, I have ceased being surprised by hypocrisy from our various provincial and federal neo-con governments.
just sayin...
Of course Christy and de Jong and Falcon support the weighted vote. That would explain why each of them signed up thousands of insta-members in a handful of lower mainland ridings in lieu of building broad support across the province as George Abbott has done.
Disingenuous doesn't even begin to cover this one.
I genuinely like Falcon and Christy and would be delighted with either as premier, and I understand that politics is a contact sport; the thing is: what did they offer the Indo-Canadian community in exchange for their bloc-voting insta-members?
Neil Edmondson: "I genuinely like Falcon and Christy and would be delighted with either as premier,"
You must be kidding me. Have you read anything on this blog, or are you just sleep walking?
You have the audacity to ask "the thing is: what did they [Christy Meow Clark and Falcon - the BC Rail twins] offer the Indo-Canadian community in exchange for their bloc-voting insta-members?"
Is it just because its the Indo-Canadian community you ask this, or do you mean to ask what the twins have offered the big US corporations for their political donations and support.
Maybe you should ask Kinsella et al what price they sold their souls.
Sure politics is a contact "sport". But that doesn't mean to say you have to eat s**t or sell out your province for a few dollars more.
Falcon, Christy and de Jong are cut from the same Gordo cloth. Maybe read a few comments on various articles published on the blog and find out why ordinary working people read it.
I can't say anymore. I'm so sorry for you and what people like you are responsible for in this province and world-wide.
let the Liberals choose a new leader in peace.
Let the Liberals win the next election and drown in their own dung!
Then perhaps we will be rid of them not just for a few years but forever.
Seriously Clark will not win or become Premier she is losing favour even with her old "chums" at CKNW.
She has no support from sitting MLA's she's a flash in the pan or perhaps so I hope.
Just as the let's put on a united front Liberals enter a leadership race they start to show some rough edges. Let's face it Gord Campbell kept them in line very successfully.
The once ragged NDP would seem to have found their stride & are building in stature .
WE can only hope!!!
I wish that these Lib leadership hopefulls would just come out and say what they stand for.
Stop beating around the bush and say it...oil pipelines, private schools, private healthcare, no taxes and user pay for everything. This beating around the bush is getting tiresome. How will you pull in the vote if you don't tell the truth?
OK Folks,
Let's not get too emotional about this "troupe of Circus Clowns" that couldn't win a place on a Gong Show.
As recorded history of this past decade shows, the BC Liberals - all of 'em, just plain cannot be trusted or believed. Each time any one of them opens their mouth, feces and urine spill forth.
Yes, that is exactly what it amounts to. None of the pathetic morons can be either trusted or believed - they would rather lie and tell "fairy tales" than do what they are paid to do - and that is to represent their constituents.
The sooner these a*seholes get thrown to the dogs, the better BC will be.
Fixing the damage that Pinocchio Gordon "the liar" Campbell and the BC Liberal party have done to British Columbia during the last "Decade of Dishonst, Deceptive and Deceitful governance", is another matter. We will probably never learn the full truth of the seriousness of their actions.
Neil Edmondson...Hmm? Quick question, WHY do you genuinely 'like' Clark and Falcon?
Now THAT's a real mystery.
There are so many things wrong in BC, there is damage beyond repair. Campbell's thieving and selling our assets and natural resources, how do we get them back? Campbell selling our rivers, means every river will have, terrible eco repercussions. However, we know Campbell never passes up a buck. He will steal your eyes, and then, come back for the sockets.
"Bill, the weighted vote was according to my sources engineered by the government relations operative of government relations operatives herself as a BC patriot to make sure the North was represented in this AND future contests"
Sorry, wrong. It has been in place for quite some time in other parties. The BC Liberals adopted a workable variation. THis poster's sources needs to be re-evaluated.
Let's not get too emotional about this "troupe of Circus Clowns" that couldn't win a place on a Gong Show.
Could Adrian Dix? Nope.
Mike Farnworth and Horgan could.
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