I will be in attendance Monday morning in BC Supreme Court when the Basi-Virk/BC Legislature Raid trial finally begins - more than 6 years after police searched the BC Legislature in a shocking and unprecedented political corruption investigation.
But I won't be covering the trial regularly after that.
The reason is simple - and personal.
My dear mom - Pat Tieleman - is very, very ill in hospital in Nanaimo. I need to be with her.
She has insisted I attend the first day of the Basi-Virk trial after following this case for such a long time.
But after that I will return to Nanaimo.
Those who have followed my coverage for 24 hours newspaper and The Tyee online publication, as well as this blog, will understand the irony of my absence from BC Supreme Court after being on the case since the December 28, 2003 raid and after so many thought this trial would never happen.
But that matters little - family always comes first. And I have great confidence that my colleagues at 24 hours and The Tyee, as well as other media, will cover the trial as it deserves.
I will follow it as much as possible and both post here and write for 24 hours and The Tyee when able.
I appreciate the enormous support received for my mom, my family and I already and for understanding if I don't respond personally to messages. Believe me - they are so important.
Watch this space, 24 hours and The Tyee for my reporting after Day 1 and thanks again.
Good mornng Bill,
It's been a blessing in disguise to have you keep BC and others, up to date on this gross miscarriage of justice.
May God take good care of your mother.
I'm very sorry to hear about your Mom Bill. You're obviously a good son as well as a good citizen. Thanks for all you've done for us in this regard already. Your coverage will be greatly missed.
I hate to think that some people might welcome your sad news.
Praying for your mom, Bill.
Every best wish for your mother, you, and your family.
Thank you for your yeoman service in informing us of the twists and turns of the BC Rail scandal over the past SEVEN years.
And our most heartfelt thanks to you Bill for being there. And it was a pleasure to meet you in the courtroom a couple of years ago. I only wish that I was able to be there more often.I wish I could be there again but my work on this case is now limited to this desk as I am involved in Fight HST Canvassing and the Fight for Teztan Biny (Fish Lake). All these seem to be overlapping recently.
Our thoughts in this house are with your mom and your family.
Thanks Bill, for your reporting to date. There are others who will carry the torch from here. I wish you and your family all the best. Our thoughts are with you at this time...
Well done. As much as I despise the NDP and disagree with much of your take on politics, I will applaud soundly in regards to your work on the Basi/Virk trial. I detest these types of political hacks and will be following.
Excellent coverage and hopefully
we'll find out why these two idiots decided to play games.
Hopes and prayers for your Mum's
speedy recovery.
She needs you more than we do.
This is Josef the Polak fan. I've had some family emergencies too crush a dream or two.
Sorry to hear about your situation. Hopefully you and your mom will be watching the BC trial of the century soon!
Bill, of course I fully understand of you need to take care of your Mom. You'll have lots of time to cover the results of this story. I look forward to your return and wish you and your Mon all the best.
Moms and family come first. Healing prayers to your mom Bill, and bless you, for being a wonderful son.
We all know, where to look, for truth and honesty. We just find Bill's latest blog.
As a politically challenged senior, I tell all, my politically challenged senior friends, go to Bill's blog.
Thanks to all for your kind messages of support for my mom. They are most appreciated, as are your generous words about me. I am honoured.
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