Ex-Minnesota Vikings punter Chris Kluwe speaks at SFU downtown in Vancouver March 18 - Bill Tieleman photo |
Tieleman talks with principled punter Chris Kluwe, who says social activism
cost him his job.
Tieleman’s 24 Hours Vancouver / The Tyee column
Tuesday March 25, 2014
By Bill
"In the end, it's a choice between playing a children's
game or standing up for human rights."
- Chris Kluwe, Minnesota Vikings
football player fired after supporting gay marriage
Would you give up a $1.45-million-a-year job playing
professional football to publicly speak out in favour of gay marriage? Even
though you are straight?
Former National Football League punter Chris Kluwe did.
And while Kluwe spoke at last week's Vancouver TED Talks
conference, he pulled no punches when asked to respond to my criticism
of TED's overzealous focus on corporate technology solving world problems.
That's no surprise from this outspoken guy, who in January wrote
the stunningly provocative article
titled: "I Was An NFL Player Until I Was Fired By Two Cowards And A
Published on Deadspin, the story charged that Kluwe's refusal to
be silent about gay rights cost him his job. It caused a huge international
controversy, received over four million views, and helped earn Kluwe nearly
200,000 Twitter followers.
In person, Kluwe is no strident martyr. He's just an ordinary
guy in shorts and sandals doing the right thing, with the platform to make it
Talking at TED - And SFU
I met Kluwe last Tuesday when he agreed to speak to students at
teacher Suzanne Norman's Simon Fraser University publishing class in downtown
He fielded questions from students, a player from the
university's Clan football team, and myself.
Chris Kluwe & Bill Tieleman - Suzanne Norman photo |
The 32-year-old punter who lives in California with his wife and
two daughters said he loves Vancouver and would consider playing for the BC
Kluwe didn't hesitate when I asked if my criticism that the
$7,500-per-person TED Talks that brought him here is far too fixated on
corporate technology solutions to world problems.
"You can't have the belief that technology will solve
everything. It gives you the possibility of making things worse," Kluwe
responded. "There is a problem seeing technology as a panacea."
Kluwe's TED Talk last Wednesday wasn't about social activism; it
was about augmented
reality and his belief that technology can make football safer,
including using tools like Google Glass to avoid career-ending concussions by
giving players warning signs of impending collisions with tacklers.
By his own admission, Kluwe's future is unclear. He said he
plans to play a lot of video games -- a Warcraft expert, his Twitter handle is
@ChrisWarcraft -- stay in shape and write books for now. But he is still open
to a return to football.
Letter to a 'narcissistic fromunda'
Kluwe became socially actively in 2012, after Maryland
politician Emmett C. Burns Jr. attacked Baltimore Ravens linebacker Brendon
Ayanbadejo for supporting a gay marriage initiative. Burns called on the owner
of the team to "inhibit such expressions from your employee."
In response, Kluwe penned an eloquent open letter
in Deadspin, which told Burns that his "vitriolic hatred and bigotry make
me ashamed and disgusted to think that you are in any way responsible for
shaping policy at any level."
Then, Kluwe went nuclear on Burns:
"As I suspect you have not read the Constitution, I would
like to remind you that the very first, the VERY FIRST Amendment in this
founding document deals with the freedom of speech, particularly the abridgment
of said freedom.
"Not only are you clearly violating the First Amendment,
you also come across as a narcissistic fromunda
stain. What on earth would possess you to be so mind-bogglingly stupid?
"It baffles me that a man such as yourself, a man who
relies on that same First Amendment to pursue your own religious studies
without fear of persecution from the state, could somehow justify stifling
another person's right to speech.
"To call that hypocritical would be to do a disservice to
the word. Mindfucking obscenely hypocritical starts to approach it a little
Then, Kluwe administered the coup de grace:
"I can assure you that gay people getting married will have
zero effect on your life. They won't come into your house and steal your
children. They won't magically turn you into a lustful cockmonster.
"They won't even overthrow the government in an orgy of
hedonistic debauchery because all of a sudden they have the same legal rights
as the other 90 per cent of our population -- rights like Social Security
benefits, child care tax credits, Family and Medical Leave to take care of
loved ones, and COBRA healthcare for spouses and children."
Burns was immolated as Kluwe's flame letter went viral, leading
the Democrat to reconsider.
"Upon reflection, he has his First Amendment rights. And I
have my First Amendment rights... Each of us has the right to speak our
opinions. The football player and I have a right to speak our minds,"
Burns told media,
but clearly Kluwe's free kick put Burns tumbling into the end zone.
'Great job on that letter, man!'
Kluwe knew he was onto something when a 290-pound tackler from
an opposing team approached him at a game, causing some significant trepidation
until the player said: "Great job on that letter, man!"
But the clueless NFL, in particular the Minnesota Vikings,
didn't welcome the eight-year veteran's outspokenness.
![]() |
Chris Kluwe - at SFU downtown - Bill Tieleman photo |
Kluwe was cut by the Vikings in May 2013, a move the punter said
was the culmination of repeated attempts to silence him, even though owner Zygi
Wilf had personally told him
he was free to speak out.
In Vancouver last week, Kluwe was philosophical about paying for
his principles, but scathing about the NFL.
"A lot of it is the corporatization of football. They don't
want to offend anyone," Kluwe said. "If they don't offend anyone,
they'll buy more of our product.
"There are owners who will give a guy who committed a
felony a second chance -- murder, drunk driving, spousal abuse," Kluwe
said, referring to players like dog killer Michael Vick; Leonard Little,
convicted of drunk driving manslaughter; and Ray Lewis, who had murder charges
dropped after he agreed to testify against two friends.
All three and many others quickly returned to the NFL field. But
speak out in favour of gays and lesbians being allowed to legally marry their
partners? Forget it!
Interestingly, Kluwe said the big problem on gay marriage
doesn't come from the players, but owners and coaches. "This is very much
a generational issue, like racism," Kluwe said.
And he predicted the first openly gay player, college star
Michael Sam, will do fine in the NFL once drafted in May.
"Michael Sam is a football player who happens to be gay.
Sexuality has nothing more do with it than skin colour," Kluwe said.
"I think he'll get a fair shake in NFL locker rooms."
Doing the right thing
Kluwe said he's not sure what's next, but he has started work on
his football memoirs as well as a science fiction trilogy, and has already
UNIQUE SPARKLEPONIES, a 2013 book featuring his personal essays on
various absurdities in football and beyond.
While he said that being cut by the Vikings was "bullshit,"
and that his wife was stressed out at the time, he is amazingly easygoing about
it now.
"I honestly don't care. I don't need much to get by. I need
a couch and an Internet connection," Kluwe said, though he admitted the
NFL salary loss affects his kids' college fund.
When one SFU student asked Kluwe how speaking out impacted his
endorsements, Kluwe laughed. "Hey man, punters don't get
endorsements!" he replied.
But Kluwe turned deadly serious as well. "This isn't just
something I had to go through -- millions of people face losing their jobs for
being gay," Kluwe said.
"I'm 'that guy' who speaks out [about] a fairly basic
concept: treat people the way you want to be treated. You learn that in
He concluded by noting that his two daughters learned an
invaluable lesson from the controversy. "In the future when Dad says: 'Do
the right thing,' they'll know I did," Kluwe said.
This political punter has one hell of an admirable kick.
This is an excellent post Bill. This "punter" is very inspiring, a great role model.
People taking stands and speaking out for what is right is the only way to make things better for all of us. They are real herores even if they deny it.
Wish more stories like this were covered in the MSM.
Good story. Sets a good example for others. It clearly demonstrates doing the right thing sometimes can be costly in monetary terms, but rewarding in personal terms. Good on him for doing the right thing. Hopefully its a start and others will follow.
The guy stood up for his beliefs but got canned for doing so. What are so many people afraid of with same sex marriages? They are not out to hurt anyone, they just want to live together. Every family knows of someone who is gay, in or out of the family yet just as people are getting used to the new reality along comes some outfit that fires one of their players for speaking in defense of others. Sure hopes he gets picked up by another team which flattens the one he used to work for.
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