Big Oil
and Gas Pumps Money to Christy Clark
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BC Premier Christy Clark |
BC's premier criticized Alberta
publicly while fundraising oil money there in private.
Tuesday October 9,
By Bill Tieleman
"I don’t think
people from Alberta really understand how much we cherish our coast, how much
we cherish our environment here." -- B.C. Premier Christy Clark quoted
in the Edmonton Journal.
While Premier Christy
Clark was loudly proclaiming her intent to protect B.C. from the Enbridge
Northern Gateway pipeline proposal, she was also in Calgary privately raising
money from big oil sands companies for her party.
Talk about oily
Clark had her hand
out for the BC Liberal Party at a private dinner Oct. 1 at Calgary's Petroleum
Club hosted by billionaire
oilman Murray Edwards, chairman of Canadian Natural Resources
Limited, owners of the Horizon Oil
Sands plant.
Clark didn't want to
give details, including which oil sands companies attended or how much it cost
per plate when contacted by Sun News Network
"Well I had a
private dinner when I was in Alberta but I will say this -- there are a lot of
people in Alberta who have made big investments in British Columbia,"
Clark said.
"In gas, in
tourism in a whole lot of other areas and in infrastructure, so just because
people are in Calgary doesn't necessarily mean that they're not in the gas
business and the gas business here in British Columbia is booming and it's
something we really want to develop."
Clark also wants to
appear to be fighting the Enbridge pipeline that would transport Alberta oil
sands bitumen across northern B.C. to be shipped to Asia by tanker but at the
same time is asking for big cheques from oil and gas companies to fund her
environmental issues are issues that I don't think Albertans have really
thought about a lot," Clark said last week when safely back in B.C.
Given that Clark was
trying to extract big money from the corporate executives attending her dinner,
I somehow doubt that she also told Murray and his fellow Albertans that they
are environmental pariahs who should pack up their expensive oil sands pipeline
EnCana's $395,000
cash pipeline to BC Libs
But don't think that
Clark doesn't have already her hand deep in the pockets of big oil and gas
EnCana Corporation
alone has donated an amazing $396,000
since 2009, including contributions to Clark's leadership campaign and that of
her rival George Abbott, the former education minister, according to Elections
BC records.
EnCana's ex-CEO Gwyn
Morgan was also a key Clark transition team member when Clark took office in
Clark's kindly Calgary
host Canadian Natural Resources Limited has given
the B.C. Liberal Party $61,000 since 2009, while Imperial Oil has donated more
than $40,000, Chevron over $20,000, Conoco Philips over $14,000, Nexen over
Enbridge's dicey
investment in Clark
Enbridge itself has
given over $40,000 to the B.C. Liberals -- but might put a stop payment order
on any other donations.
If Clark was hoping
that describing Alberta as a place where the environment is no big deal would
improve her disastrous relationship with Premier Alison Redford, think again.
"It's absolutely
not a fair statement," Redford responded Thursday. "Albertans are
very proud of the fact that we have always been able to balance economic
development and social and environmental sustainability."
"I believe that
Albertans are very proud of... what our record has been, and I'm disappointed
to hear those comments," Redford said.
But none of that
likely bothered Clark's fundraising host Murray Edwards, who is
also co-owner of the Calgary Flames hockey team and has been described as
possibly having more at stake in the oil sands than any other individual in the
The CNRL board chaired
by Edwards includes two former premiers, Manitoba's Gary Filmon and New
Brunswick's Frank McKenna.
But perhaps the most
unusual fact about Edwards is that despite being an oil patch baron, he is also
well known as a federal Liberal
-- as is Clark.
And Edwards likely
isn't too choked about the fate of the Enbridge pipeline, as he publicly stated
nearly two years ago that it faces very long odds against being built because
of environmental and First Nations objections.
"For barrels to
go off the west coast to China, I think that is a very, very difficult
file," Murray said
at a business forum in Nov. 2010. "If it's taken us decades to come to any
consensus on a Mackenzie pipeline, the west coast pipeline will be just as
Perhaps that's why
Clark knew that with Murray as her Petroleum Club host, she was in safe hands
regardless of what she was telling the media about her opposition to Enbridge
and thumbing her nose at Redford.
Oily hypocrisy
It may also be why
Clark sang
Edwards' praises in her speech to the School of Public Policy at the University
of Calgary when she spoke there last week.
"So I'll give
you one example. Murray Edwards, who is a great Calgarian, owns 45 per cent of
the Red Chris mine. It's in the northwest of British Columbia. It's one of the
top mining deposits anywhere in the world," Clark told students.
"When I became
premier, I said I wanted people all around the world to know that you can do
business successfully in British Columbia. You can work your way through the
public policy issues, the First Nations issues and that you can make a profit
if you come to our province."
"So we've been
working really hard to take the Red Chris mine, which has been an idea for
longer than it's been a fact, and help it get to fruition because resource
development is what powers our province too. It's what puts people to work, and
it's what funds health care and education and all the things that we care
"A significant
part of our progress in British Columbia comes from people like Murray Edwards,
it comes from investors and people who are located right here in Calgary."
"So I want to
say, as I said to Murray, thank you for that because many of the companies that
are invested in the oil sands are also invested in gas and mining in our
province -- companies like Shell, Apache, Nexen and Trans Canada.
"And, of course,
EnCana, which I just talked about, that has emerged as one of the most
important investors in our province, an early believer in what we could do with
natural gas," Clark said.
In other words, Clark
told them: don't listen to what I tell the public, listen to what I tell you --
and I say write my party a very, very large cheque!
After all, it's money
and not oil that greases the political wheel.
'Most desperate
politician in Canada'
But it's no wonder
that Calgary Herald columnist Don Braid was astonished by Clark's behavior last
week during her visit to Alberta, including the premier describing the benefits
of the $5 billion Enbridge pipeline as "chump change" compared to
B.C.'s plans for liquefied natural gas.
"She is, by a
wide measure, the most inconsistent, self-contradictory and desperate
politician in Canada," Braid wrote,
also describing her as a "peculiar unelected premier, who can seem
perfectly normal for about five minutes."
And that's after just a two
days of trying to follow Christy Clark's twisted logic. Imagine how British
Columbians will feel next spring after two years of it.
BC LIBERALS taking $$$$ from BIG BUSINESS!
I am shocked and appalled by this behavior.
What greater outrage can follow . . . our elected leaders with hair and chest implants?!
So Liberals take $$$ from Big Business.. how is this different from the influences that Big Labour has with the NDP? There's isn't any.
Personally I would give any money to the BC Liberals. But wouldn't give any money to any other party either.
But agree with Bill on this one. if Clark is that against the northern pipeline, she was wasting taxpayer money and time being at Big Oil's dinner in Cowtown.
The pipeline isn't going anywhere without BC approval on the ground.
It's not a federal project but rather a private one so expropiation of lands is definately out.
Environmental impacts are too risky.
Bill is once again blustering and editorializing but peeling away from that there is something agreeable in there.
Even for those who are not traditional Progressives (read left wing).
Calgary Herald columnist Don Braid seems to totally understand the woman. She is back and forth on anything she talks about.
Time to pack your suitcase Christy, maybe you can get a job as a waitress at some coffee shop. One can only wonder why some politicians will take big money and then talk like they are looking after BC's best interests.
Well I can think of one "unelected" leader whom I think has had a chest implant.....
Any and all monies donated to the liberals by natural gas producers have been laundered through their hugely generous "royalty credit" programs. Or subsidies as they are more commonly known.
These programs were cooked up in Calgary by several of the notables above with help from Campbell and Neufeld. No benefit whatsoever has ever accrued to the BC taxpayer who is more broke now than ever due to this folly.
If the argument that jobs were created rang true, income taxes would have replaced the lost royalty revenues and we have all seen the numbers now. Stop giving away royalties now!!
Don't why there's this continued "pack your suitcase Christy" so forth. it's already a given that the NDP will become government. No question
So why the perpetual going on and on like a continously playing music CD?
and the childish statement regarding Clark's chest?
C'mon people grow up and be adults.
this isn't the back of a high school bus.
one can also make remarks about Jenny Kwan but thankfully no one is childish enough to do that.
Will the implosion of the BC Conservatives mean that the BC Liberals still have a chance of winning the next election? Ugh!
Good article Bill. Canada is a putrid pit of corruption. BC is the most putrid province in all of this Nation.
We knew Christy Clark worked for Harper, as Campbell did before her. Why else would Christy have Boessenkool working for her?
Christy refused to clean up Campbell's thefts and corruption. Campbell certainly didn't mind, cheating to win either. Nor do we forget Harper's part, in his treachery towards the BC citizens. Christy is every bit as underhanded, as Campbell and Harper are.
No doubt, Christy wants the same type of reward, Campbell got from Harper. In Canada corrupt, thieving politicians, are rewarded for their dirty work.
Harper and his Conservatives and the Campbell/Clark BC Liberals, have no ethics nor morals, what-so-ever.
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