So why is a group with the near-identical title "Concerned Citizens of BC" apparently headquartered in the taxpayer-funded constituency office of BC Liberal Finance Minister and Surrey-Cloverdale MLA Kevin Falcon?
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Gordon Campbell & Kevin Falcon |
That would appear to be at least politically wrong, since constituency offices are required to be apolitical and Shephard's mission is anything but.
The former CEO of Finning and Canfor is an ardent NDP hardline opponent who claims that: "You know, we lived through socialism in BC for 10 years." See:
Search "Concerned Citizens for BC" on Google and you find this listing:
Concerned Citizens Of Bc
Address: 17700 No 10 Hwy #108, Surrey BC,
Sales: $1 - $500,000
Employees: Approximately: three employees work at this location
Here is The URL
Then Google search that same address and you get this:
MLA: Hon. Kevin Falcon
Minister of Finance and Deputy Premier
Elected: 2001, 2005, 2009
Constituency: 108 – 17700 No. 10 Highway Surrey, BC
V3S 1C7
Phone: 604 576-3792 Fax: 604 576-3797
So the question for Falcon and Shephard is simple - please explain this apparent contradiction. Is this the same group or a very similarly named one?
And either way, why is it apparently headquartered in Falcon's constituency office? Concerned British Columbians want to know.
UPDATE - The Province newspaper's Cassidy Olivier made inquiries and published a story which a BC Liberal caucus spokesperson says the similar names are a "coincidence" and that the old Kevin Falcon "Total Recall" group has nothing to do with the constituency office.
The reason for the contradiction Bill is because the LIbERalS have no ethics or morals. No matter, they are toast next election.
As somebody who WAS ChristyClarkFan and IS a fan of Kevin Falcon, this is disappointing. But unsurprising of the former, Christy Clark is the worst leader of the free enterprise movement ever. She's no Gordon Campbell in a skirt, she's a disasster.
We all know that Alise Mills - who has left the BCLibs and is burying her father David today so be respectful fellow commentators - would never tolerate such antics. Sadly those seeking her for the leadership failed...
I do think the BCNDP will win the next election unless an angel saves BC... and I'm not holding my breath nor would I be surprised if a white knight from the North Shore rode into battle to save Blasting Civilization.
Perhaps a call to EBC might clear things up.
Anton Bogeman might be your contact.
"I do think the BCNDP will win the next election unless an angel saves BC."
From what?
A $60 billion dollar debt load? Corruption from this current bunch of bottom feeders?
Scandal after scandal?
Carbon tax?
Endless Hydro increases?
Hochstein and his minions touting minimum wage jobs?
Backroom deals that make the New Democrats look like angels themselves?
It always astounds me that the filthy rich can tell the minimum wagers that $10 per hour is a livable wage, whilst sipping on fine wine in their dream homes or luxury yachts. How about if YOU bastards take a serious pay cut!!! Especially you greedy mla's and overpaid beaurocrats. Stop sucking on the government teit you bunch of socialist freaks.
What the NDP need to do as soon as they're elected is have forensic audits done of ALL departments, corporations and government entities and let the people of BC really know how the current bunch of "savvy business people and corporations" have BANKRUPTED this province during their term(s).
Once this is out, I doubt any right winged government would be allowed to ever hold office again, in this province or country. Going to be a rough few years coming up. I look forward to seeing the contracts signed by the corrupt bunch in power now.
The pity is, if the contract is a P3, you'll never see it. You're not allowed to know how incompetent and greedy the private sector genuinely is. It's good for you. Eat it.
This is the new form of 3rd party funding - Canada's informal slip into SuperPACs. We saw Hochstein start it and now Shepard. This way they circumvent Election spending laws. No question.
It doesn't surprise me they are running a political caimpaign out of an MLA's office. They don't know what appropriate behaviour is. The lieberals have cheated, lied their way through their terms in office & think they can get away with anything & everything.
As to the NDP, "socialist hordes". Better them than the current bunch. The NDP never hired a ferry ceo & pd him $1M a yr to run the corp into the ground. The NDP never sold/gave away a rail road. The NDP never had "shadow tolls" to Whistler & the Kelowna bridge & had people going to work pay tolls on bridges. The NDP never put roofs on stadiums when there weren't enough hospital beds or homelessness. The NDP never served up 8 yrs of the highest child poverty rate in Canada. The NDP never oversaw the coming destruction of the B.C. enviornment. The NDP never ran up the highest deficiet in B.C. history. The NDP never decided to sell the BCLCB to one of their "friends".
When the NDP purchased new ferries at least they were made in B.C. & not in Germany where we are paying 7% interest over what we need to.
If the "socialist hordes" are at the gate, good. At least we will be free of the "capitalist" idiots who have run this province into the ground. Just maybe the province will provide enough money for children to be feed so we no longer have the highest child poverty rate in Canada. That really stinks on ice.
"As to the NDP, "socialist hordes". Better them than the current bunch. The NDP never hired a ferry ceo & pd him $1M a yr to run the corp into the ground"
They didn't have to the NDP appointed their own and guess what? They ran BC Ferries onto the rocks.
"The NDP never had "shadow tolls" to Whistler & the Kelowna bridge & had people going to work pay tolls on bridges."
They never got rid of the tolls on the Coquihalla despite being admantly against those.
"The NDP never put roofs on stadiums when there weren't enough hospital beds or homelessness"
The NDP spent millions on Skeena Celluose, when there weren't enough hospital bends or homelessness. They also didn't start a rebuild on St. Mary's Hospital when they could have.
"The NDP never oversaw the coming destruction of the B.C. enviornment
The NDP did destory some parts of the forest industry that was sustainable.
"When the NDP purchased new ferries at least they were made in B.C. & not in Germany where we are paying 7% interest over what we need to."
When the NDP would have been smart to continue with on the large ferry builds here locally after the Spirit of Vancouver Island was in service, there wouldn't have been any need for ferries from Germany.
"At least we will be free of the "capitalist" idiots who have run this province into the ground"
No you won't. Those "capitalist" idiots are those who own your local grocery store, the gas station, the place where you get your paint and the painkillers you will need once you find out the NDP Premier Dix government won't be much different other than bringing in headaches from the left rather than the right.
Nice try, ace. The NDP will not be the happy happy to everyone that blogged out people here think they will be.
Perhaps a call to EBC might clear things up.
Anton Bogeman might be your contact.
It won't. Elections BC does not get involved with MLA constituency offices. They oversee and run elections, and election registration only.
Learn a bit about how EBC and government works. Do your homework.
And toss out the crap notion that EBC is tied to in anyway the BC Liberal government and Party. They are not, and have never been tied to either. It is a myth perpetuated by some blog contributors who obviously won't take the time to learn fundamentals befor spitting off on things they don't know about.
e.a.f. is bang on! Crony Capitalism is rampant in Victoria.
Too bad there is always one here who is stuck in the 90's.
Better call the whambulance!
Could it be that the Constituents of Kevin Falcon have been turning over requests for help from an entity that is NOT an employee of the Constituency Office, eg. Jim Shepard and his employees?
According to Christy Clark's Constituency Officer she has a listing of her responsibilities, her duties, and the actions that her employees may, or may not be involved in.
Does the Deputy Premier of British Columbia abide by a different set of rules?
Christy Clark Constituency Office for Vancouver Point-Grey.
Crony Capitalism. Remember David Hahn and his $984,000 salary.
The CEO of Washington State Ferries gets less than 1/3 of Hahns salary. Socialism for the rich, Mr. Hahn.
How much does Pamela Martin get from taxpayers? And for what?
For a conservative government, putting the province into massive debt is wrong. Paying your friends with taxpayers money is criminal.I don't remember the socialists spending taxpayers money like drunken sailors.
China will own this province. Is that a good thing? I think not.
May 2013
The CEO of Washington State Ferries gets less than 1/3 of Hahns salary. Socialism for the rich, Mr. Hahn.
Old news. David Hahn left late last year. Speaking of past excesses, figure why Bob Williams, the Cadillac Socialist got a hansome salary as the Crown Cabinet Secretariat in Mike Harcourt's government. A real example of patronage position not needed.
How much does Pamela Martin get from taxpayers? And for what?
and speaking of a patronage position not needed, there's another. Pammie gets $130,000 a year to do practically nothing except read emails.
For a conservative government, putting the province into massive debt is wrong. Paying your friends with taxpayers money is criminal.I don't remember the socialists spending taxpayers money like drunken sailors.
Well I agree. The NDP's Premier Dix will absolutely positively NOT provide any appointments to NDP friends and insiders to any Crown Agency or Corporation, nor will he allow anyone who has been a riding president, on the NDP's Provincial Council, worked a leadership campaign for the past 11 years to any Crown Agency, Corporation or government entity (other than E.A, or M.A.). In other words, no entitlement to political appointments by friends and insiders to any government agency, none.
Bill tell your NDP friends that is exactly must happen. Period. End.
"Well I agree."
About time the troll gets it.
ALL of the resources of this province is for the good of the province, not just a few liberal friends like Kinsella. (or New Democrat hacks either for that matter).
Hopefully Dix figures that out otherwise they are finished in one term and Cummins might step in then(if he is still around). Although I suspect the same old same old.
I just cannot overemphasise the need for debt control of this province which Campbell et al just don't understand. It starts at the top. Pay close attention to the goings on in Europe. Are you all happy to be passing this crap to your great grandkids?
BTW, sir or ma'am,"old news" is the same shit you repeat ad infinitum from 15- 20 years ago, not last year! Get it right.
After reading some of the comments posted here, there really doesn't seem to be a problem with the liberals. Let's just keep them in power, as they seem to know how to run BC.
I especially like the comments from one commenter, who dredges up stuff ( if it's even real? ) from 20 years ago, but thinks that what happened in the last 10 years is old news.
"ALL of the resources of this province is for the good of the province, not just a few liberal friends like Kinsella. (or New Democrat hacks either for that matter)."
"Hopefully Dix figures that out otherwise they are finished in one term and Cummins might step in then(if he is still around). Although I suspect the same old same old."
Well, you won't have to wait long.
The NDP is carrying alot of baggage, and there's a book full of accounts receivables that are going to turn into accounts payable once Dix assumes being Premier.
As for Cummins, the guy is old and crinkly. He is living off his MP's pension. He's too old to be Premier material.
"I just cannot overemphasise the need for debt control of this province which Campbell et al just don't understand. It starts at the top. Pay close attention to the goings on in Europe. Are you all happy to be passing this crap to your great grandkids?"
Nope. We went through that with the Trudeau Liberals.
BTW, sir or ma'am,"old news" is the same shit you repeat ad infinitum from 15- 20 years ago, not last year! Get it right
Well the NDP has to stand on their past accomplishments. Left wingers love to say the NDP were good money managers. But they hate the bringing up of dumbshit things such as Fast Ferries and Skeena Cellulose. Can't be selective on past accomplishments can we?
"Can't be selective on past accomplishments can we?"
You did when you said Hahn was old news. Dude still gets a whopping pension today.
Cummins is crinkly. So what?
Meh Who cares
Bigger issues out there then these minor technicalities
The magic number today is 339.
339 days left in the most corrupt admin. this province has ever had.
The magic number today is 339.
339 days left in the most corrupt admin. this province has ever had.
Oh great. Just like the nauseating day to day count down that Mike Harcourt did, that even got us in the NDP vomiting every time he did that.
and don't forget from +80 days onward the NDP will start to evolve its own version of favourtism and corrruptness.
Read about it when it happens.
"Can't be selective on past accomplishments can we?"
You did when you said Hahn was old news. Dude still gets a whopping pension today.
Dude, someone else brought up Hahn. So he got this pension. Can't do anything about it, so let it go. It was a stupid thing to have happen, but the NDP has done stupid things too. Some more stupider than letting Hahn get his million, dude.
Cummins is crinkly. So what?
Who would want a dusty old MP as premier? The guy has no depth, the policies aren't worth the cheap paper used to put them together on the party is infested with religious right winger coneheads. A person would have to be idiotic to allow something like that to run the province.
Might as well let the NDP ransack the province. If people want the NDP, they can have it.
They'll get it in the end.
I am not a Cummins support. However, he brings another perspective to the table & gives people an alternative to vote for.
I don't care if he is old, dusty, wrinkled, etc. This is not a beauty contest. It will be an election during which people will vote for the party of their choice. Cummins is a whole lot better than the gordo/christie gang.
"I am not a Cummins support. However, he brings another perspective to the table & gives people an alternative to vote for. "
Cumminis doesn't give much of alternative. His policies are ambigious and his party has shown they can't do well in an election.
If his party can't win an easy to handle riding like Chilliwack, then there is a big problem with him and his party. Might as well vote NDP and be done.
"I don't care if he is old, dusty, wrinkled, etc. This is not a beauty contest."
If it was, Christy would be getting the stage hook before the talent contest started.
"It will be an election during which people will vote for the party of their choice. Cummins is a whole lot better than the gordo/christie gang"
The Rhino Party would be better than Christy.
But the Arian Dix NDP isn't exactly the best thing to come out to the voters in BC since curly fries either.
" Might as well vote NDP and be done."
Thanks for the advice. I will.
I have a question for Mr. Shepherd.
Can anyone be a member of "The concerned citizens of BC", or is it a closed shop where only certain citizens are welcome?
Damn, I hit the publish button too quickly.
My other question for Mr. Shepherd is, how much rent are you and your organization paying to the government of BC for the office space you are using at Kevin Falcon's constituency office? I am sure that you would not condone operating any business/personal endeavor that is subsidized by others, or for clarity sakes, "SOCIALISM", would you?
let's not sell Cummins short. He has scared the socks off the BC Liberals, and his one MLA is pushing hard to get some information on the BC Rail mess. and since he won the right to intervene in the hearings, and with his background in the Liberal group it can get very interesting. Cummins over the years he has produced some very solid papers on Aboriginal Rights, in regards to overfishing by certain bands. So take him as a gift. Dix is high in the polls yet certain folks still try to dump on him. It would appear than some Liberal boosters are alive and well on this blog
DPL is right! Although I would not trust this "crinkly" person, he will add to the fun next year.
Just ignore the Lib booster. This is like what is happening in the US talk show circuit where NEO Cons are spamming progressive talk radio with the endless repetative talking points. Tring to persuade low information voters. Quite useless here I might add.
let's not sell Cummins short. He has scared the socks off the BC Liberals, and his one MLA is pushing hard to get some information on the BC Rail mess.
His party also bombed badly in Chilliwack. Sure he got votes, but the overall goal is to win. Second place means only a white ribbon, not a blue one. His one MLA is doing that on his own. It has nothing to do with him being a BC Tory MLA. I'd say good for him, go for it and make damb shur he shares.
"and since he won the right to intervene in the hearings, and with his background in the Liberal group it can get very interesting."
Well not really. You're expecting too much from one person. You're also pinning this guy onto one issue and one issue only. What else is he good for other than than intervenor status that will eventually end.
"Cummins over the years he has produced some very solid papers on Aboriginal Rights, in regards to overfishing by certain bands.
Policy papers mean nothing unless they end up as action. Cummins' party was also adamantly for the HST.
"So take him as a gift. Dix is high in the polls yet certain folks still try to dump on him. It would appear than some Liberal boosters are alive and well on this blog"
So are some who are so misinformed and don't know their political fundamentals.
If DPL likes this guy so much, spend time out there door to door canvassing for him. For added fun, do it when it's cold outside or raining. I've done both.
" Might as well vote NDP and be done."
Thanks for the advice. I will
Good it's a democracy.
Here's an application to register as a voter:
Knock yourself out.
Be prepared to live with the NDP should they win. TRhey won't be the big expectation that everyone thinks they will.
Tring to persuade low information voters. Quite useless here I might add.
Agree there. There's many low information left wing bloggers here that are definately low mileage and need to learn more about how politics works.
A few hard working 10 hours straight sessions out there in a campaign's phone canvass will help.
have a question for Mr. Shepherd.
Can anyone be a member of "The concerned citizens of BC", or is it a closed shop where only certain citizens are welcome?
Where did you get the idea that his group is closed shop? It isn't.
But if you want the NDP as government, the group is not for you. Yours is the local NDP campaign.
Sign up today and get busy.
Writing to a left wing blog or adding to the junk in a right wing blog isn't going to get any NDP candidates elected.
Mvoe your can to put support for your local NDP candidate in the can.
Wow, the Liberal spam machine is hard at work today.
337 days to go to take out the trash.
Thanks for the blog info.
More corruption from the "right".
Thanks for the blog info.
More corruption from the "right".
We have tried the Liberal "trickle down" method of running the province for 11 years and, like the US statistics issued today, I have also seen costs rise exponentially, while my income and property values are now dropping.(US reports net values of individuals down $50,000.)
I am told here that I will regret the NDP return, but I already regret what the Libs have done to this province.
I made excellent money in the 90's, but now, in the 21st century, my assets are dropping like a stone. I cannot survive 4 more years of trickle down featuring Kinsella, Hochstein, Falcon, et al.
Sorry if I am wrong, but the 90's were much better for me.
I guess the next thing I have to deal with is austerity. At least I got some good deals on gas, etc down south. What else am I supposed to do?
"There's many low information left wing bloggers"
We want names. Who are these low information lefties you mention?
We want names. Who are these low information lefties you mention
Not knowing exactly who "we" is, the best answer is to choose any one or combination of the ones listed above that are of interest to you.
I made excellent money in the 90's, but now, in the 21st century, my assets are dropping like a stone. I cannot survive 4 more years of trickle down featuring Kinsella, Hochstein, Falcon, et al.
Sorry if I am wrong, but the 90's were much better for me."
Probably because of different economic environments at the time than compared to now. I doubt the 90s' were much better for you solely because of the NDP. You did not say how you made "excellent money". The forest industry was tanked back then, and BC was a have not province.
"I guess the next thing I have to deal with is austerity. At least I got some good deals on gas, etc down south. What else am I supposed to do?"
Go to Blaine and claim yourself to be a political refugee. If they refuse to accept your plea, then give the border guard a good hard slap on the face with an open hand. That will gurantee your stay in the Excited States.
"BC was a have not province."
Still is. Much worse now.
" If they refuse to accept your plea, then give the border guard a good hard slap on the face with an open hand."
Childish at best.
Childish sure, but it is guaranteed to work. Would work faster to conclusion than an NDP patronage appointment.
Liberal patronage appointments are faster and much more lucrative.
Just ask Patrick and Pamela among many others.
Liberal patronage appointments are faster and much more lucrative.
Just ask Patrick and Pamela among many others
No need. Just ask Geoff Meggs.
The NDP will be very fast and furious with their appointments.
Be around when it happens. Two to three weeks after the Cabinet is announced.
Will be interesting to see what Jan gets, and George Heyman after he loses out to Geoff Meggs.
The NDP is carrying alot of baggage and those bags will need to get on the NDP plane.
Watch the baggage being loaded for the trip to Victoria in June of next year.
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