BC Premier Gordon Campbell has resigned, telling media that he will ask the BC Liberal Party to hold a leadership convention "at the earliest possible date" to choose his replacement.
The end to Campbell's nine years in power came quickly after rumours that his MLAs were in revolt over his leadership and a critical party leadership review vote was to be announced at the BC Liberal Convention November 19-20 in Penticton.
Campbell thanks his family, praised his record but told media that it was "time for a change" and that "politics can be brutal".
As reported in my column here yesterday, Campbell's days appeared numbered after his October 27 televised addressed failed to generate any positive momentum.
And as also reported here Sunday, an "emergency" BC Liberal caucus meeting called for Thursday was allegedly going to confront Campbell over his failing leadership.
In his very brief remarks Campbell said his government had:"continued to move forward with initiatives that will create jobs in every region of British Columbia...we've made the second largest income tax reduction in the province's history...."
"It is clear to me that those initiatives have been overshadowed and when public debate becomes focused on one person rather than what's in the best interests of British Columbia, we have lost sight of what is important."
"When that happens, it's time for a change."
"This decision is what I believe is in the best interest of British Columbia, our government, our party and the people who live here."
"It's time for a new person to lead the province."
Yeah only 8 years to late.
Campbell resigning: a portrait of a criminal slinking away because he's been caught out, and his party knows he's a lead weight.
He didn't go after consulting his family; he was pushed out.
The spots on his government won't change though.
It is a dark day for British Columbia, fairwell to the greatest Premier in our history.
Between now and 2013 we can look forward to a Kevin Falcon/Rich Coleman dictatorship!
Welcome to a "new DARK AGES" as scripted by the Fraser Institute.
Good riddance!! He had no choice. A caucus revolt was taking place as we speak. He would never have done the tv address, hire Paul Taylor and reorganize his ministers if he intended to resign. He left because he had no choice, the puppet master ran out of puppets to control!!
"It is clear to me that those initiatives have been overshadowed and when public debate becomes focused on one person rather than what's in the best interests of British Columbia, we have lost sight of what is important."
And still no mea culpa, he is putting the blame for his resignation on all of us. Seems to me everything done in the past while has been a non-consultative unilateral decision on his part, and you wonder why we, "the families of BC" as he calls us, just can't see the big picture he does.
I wonder how long that attitude will last on whichever board of directors he parachutes into.
Didn't resign because of voters' disapproval; resigned because of cabinet dissaproval. Sort of tells it all.
Bill - The BC Liberal Party membership forced his resignation today, nothing else.
He had no loyalty to the party and the party returned the favour.
Ask Kelly Reichert and the BC Liberal party to release the leadership ballot information to the public as you will see what I know about how that vote went.
Gone but not forgotten. Missing one railroad, well not really his friends had it given to them and the rest of the liberals let him get away with it. Not enough room here to bring up all the reasons for him to go and he is being abit selfish thinking it is all about him. It is really about all of the liberals give everything away policies.
Might I suggest that , as he leaves, we count the silverware and check his pockets?
"Welcome to a "new DARK AGES" as scripted by the Fraser Institute."
Interesting. What about the old Dark Ages (1991-2001) that was scripted by the Centre for Policy Alternatives?)
Everyone is talking about what he's done nobodies talking about what he has done in this msm is truly a shameful force that's about to get it's due ,disrespect and bankruptcy.
Whooo hoooo! Thank god he's gone! It's about time! Viva BC! Now let's get busy on that criminal investigation!
So the man responsible for taking BC to the mess that it is in today is going....but that mess is still here and how will it be cleaned up?
Good riddance Gordo.
Wonderful news.
Can't help thinking, though, that we're seeing a very guilty man sneaking out of town
while he can.
This is the first thing Pinocchio Campbell has done, that was/is in the best Interests of British Columbia.
Campbell is not going to like the ridicule and accusations that will now follow - too bad, he has done it to others and now reaps the benifit of his actions.
I don't know anyone who has the slightest feelings for Campbell - he is hated and took the only logical choice/action.
Next, the RECALL IN THE FALL should be the "icing on the cake" - with one Liberal MLA after another, getting voted out through the recall.
What will Lara Dauphinee do now?!?
Gordo was pushed by the folks in big companies that got whatever they wanted from Gordo, until his approval percentage went to single digits. The funding by the money folks we will eventually find, went down with his approval rating.The convention should be interesting as the wanabees jockey for the job. But no matter who gets the nod, if any of them are in the caucus now, folks best remember that they backed Gordo all the way as ElSupremo
Pat Bell next Premier !!!
So long Gordo,don't forget to turn the lights out[very expensive thanks to you]and don't forget to take Lara with you Bye...
Bye Gordo,don,t forget to turn the lights out,[very expensive thanks to you]and take Lara with you,cold winter nights coming up!!!
"Pat Bell - the next premier " ???
Ding- dong another gone !
Shoot! Was working and missed the announcement. BC Mary is right on, wish we could have the sheriff lock him up and throw away the key. Might serve as a warning for next doofus Liberal to tread more carefully when walking all over the people of BC. I think the Liberals would be wise to stay away from anyone high profile such as Hansen or Coleman, I'm going out on a limb and projecting Blair Lekstrom for Premier.
The first shoe has fallen, we wait for the second shoe,Caroles.....
After considerable consideration, I offer the name of Kevin Kreuger as the next Fiberal party leader,
He has the intellectual and ethical qualities which suit him to head this august body.
Oh well done BC! Congratulations.
Now, please clean up your house, restore bc hydro, repeal the hst restore healthcare, restore the unions, fund education, fund bc human right commission and really investigate bc rail. But nost of all can you PLEASE get rid of that obnoxious 'best place on earth' logo? PLLLLEEEEASE. It's just so cringe-making.
It will be tough decision for Chris Gardener... who does he support?
Tough call!
You should rename this blog the BC Cockroach. After reading some of the comments here it is truly deserving of that title. Mr. Tielemen, I heard you on CKNW recently and was enticed to visit you r blog, but am truly saddened by the company you keep. Is this what political discussion in the BC Blogosphere is all about ? Are you proud of some of these comments that are so offensive and insulting? Please tell me that we can do better then this.
Anonymous 9:31:
Your comments are so ripe they're hilarious....did you mean that as satire?
The PAB staffers are at it again. Nice try Anonymous 9:31. The party is over, your imperious leader was ousted.
Here is why I see Gordon Campbell stepping down. This gives him time to fad into obscurity before his big appointment to the Canadian Senate.
The only thing he has to worry about is that Harper keeps his minority status. The way the Federal Liberals and NDP preform, this is more of a guarantee than the Canucks winning the Stanley Cup!
You will see Gordon Campbell in the Senate, replacing one of the retiring Senators. This will be his reward from Steven Harper for bringing in the HST.
Tommy Banks - Liberal Party of Canada Dec.17, 2011
Jean Lapointe - Liberal Party of Canada Dec.6, 2010
Lucie Pépin - Liberal Party of Canada Sept. 7, 2011
Bill Rompkey - Liberal Party of Canada May 13, 2011
Vim Kochhar - Conservative Party of Canada Sept. 21, 2011
Lowell Murray - Progressive Conservative Sept. 26, 2011
"You will see Gordon Campbell in the Senate, replacing one of the retiring Senators. This will be his reward from Steven Harper for bringing in the HST."
Would be surprised if that happens in the short time frame. The Conservatives would not risk losing seats in the next federal election over that one.
There are no vacant Senate seats in BC for awhile yet.
The Conservatives are supposedly against the appointing of Senators that the federal Liberals had down to a science.
"The PAB staffers are at it again. Nice try Anonymous 9:31. The party is over, your imperious leader was ousted."
and the NDP leader should be.
The NDP doesn't have a leader. Just a lady who acts like a charming Caucus Chair and not much beyond that.
It shouldn't be long before Campbells pictures start appearing all over town The ceo's will have them in every office and the restaurants will have them in their shitters
The neocons news outlets will have him on the air daily
"It shouldn't be long before Campbells pictures start appearing all over town The ceo's will have them in every office and the restaurants will have them in their shitters
The neocons news outlets will have him on the air daily"
At the same time the left wingie dingies are still coming out with the finest in BC Whines.
This blog has become quite the excellent whinery.
Some real examples of fine BC Whines are here.
2010 is coming out to be an excellent year for good whines.
Gordo is gone, the BC Liberals are in leadership mode. Yesterday's news.
What's new in the New Democrats??
You might want to give your friend Bob Simpson a call Bill:
NDP MLA warns of voting against HST
Jordan Armstrong
At least one NDP M-L-A is signaling he may not vote to kill the HST.
Sounding very much like a member of the BC Liberal party, renegade MLA Bob Simpson says the HST would be complicated to unwind, and there would be implications in doing so.
Simpson says if the government goes ahead with the 15 percent tax cut, they're going to take 1.8 billion dollars out of the provincial revenue, and then if we say "no" to the HST, another 1.6 billion will have to be paid back to the federal government.
He says we have to look at this long and hard, make an informed decision and be aware of what the consequences will be.
Bob Simpson speaking with CKNW's Christy Clark.
Yes, it is obvious that Campbell jumped before he was pushed.
Did not people notice. Campbell said, he was going to still be around for some months. He said, he will continue on with his work. The leadership convention, will not take place until next spring. This is just another dirty, BC Liberal tactic, to stall for time. Campbell has no intention of leaving. The crap will still be going on. We still have to go on with the recall, the entire BC Liberal government, must be dissolved. The worst part is, we can't trust Craig James. He is another, kiss butt boy of Campbell's. We also have to look out for Harper, he is a snake in the grass.
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