Sharon is a strong advocate for not only public education but also child care and I have worked with her on several important campaigns, including the No Cuts To Kids effort that forced the province to drop plans to cut funding for inner city schools hot lunch programs and other needed services.

As a Vision Vancouver member, Sharon will have my full support to win a Vision nomination and continue her good work at the Vancouver School Board.
Here is her complete news release:
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Vancouver School Board Trustee
Vancouver School Board Trustee
May 1, 2008 NEWS RELEASE
Vancouver School Board Trustee Sharon Gregson to join Vision Vancouver, leave Coalition Of Progressive Electors, seek Vision school board nomination for November 2008 municipal election
VANCOUVER - Vancouver School Board Trustee Sharon Gregson announced Thursday she will join Vision Vancouver and sit as that party’s first representative on the VSB.
Gregson said she is leaving the Coalition Of Progressive Electors [COPE] and will also seek a Vision Vancouver nomination to run for school trustee in the November 2008 municipal election.
"There is clearly an evolution in Vancouver politics happening and I believe Vision Vancouver is the party of the future," Gregson said. "While I have the utmost respect for my COPE colleagues on the Vancouver School Board, I think Vision Vancouver represents the best alternative to the current Non-Partisan Association majority at the VSB for a better future for public education in our city."
"I look forward to continuing to work with parents, students, teachers and
staff in our excellent public school system to protect and improve high quality education for all," Gregson said.
Vision Vancouver chair Michael Magee welcomed Gregson as a member to Vision Vancouver, saying her years of work in both education and child care will be a major asset to the party.
"Sharon Gregson has been a very dedicated and hard working school trustee and a leading child care advocate – we’re very pleased she has decided to join the party to help," Magee said.
Vision Vancouver will have an open nominating meeting for school trustee candidates in the early fall, Magee said, and Gregson will need to win the support of Vision members to run for the party.
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