Will recently departed Jessica McDonald double up her salary to become BC Hydro boss as Bob Elton pushed out door by board ?
Will Premier Gordon Campbell’s former deputy minister Jessica McDonald become the new chief executive officer of BC Hydro?
A Victoria source says McDonald may be appointed shortly to replace outgoing CEO and president Bob Elton, who is apparently being pushed out by the BC Hydro board because of independent power producer complaints he was not receptive enough to their interests.
Kyle Mitchell, an Odgers Berndtson executive search firm partner, told 24 hours Thursday the job is still open until a decision is made.
But he declined comment on whether McDonald might be the successful candidate.
McDonald, who made $289,000 a year previously, could double her pay – Elton made $550,000 last year including salary, incentives and benefits.
McDonald resigned last month after serving as Campbell’s deputy minister from 2005.
McDonald's emails and other documents may end up as evidence in the Basi-Virk case - the BC Legislature raid trial - of former BC Liberal government aides David Basi, Bob Virk and Aneal Basi, thanks to defence applications.
Certainly her husband Mike McDonald, the BC Liberals former caucus communications director, will be on the witness stand after defence allegations he was supervising political dirty tricks directly out of government office, including stacking phone calls to talk radio station CKNW.
In one April 2007 courtroom disclosure, defence lawyer Kevin McCullough, acting for Virk, outlined Mike McDonald's alleged role:
McCullough quoted a Nov. 23, 2003, document alleging calls being set up to apparently ambush NDP Leader Carole James.
"It's a call in response to Carole James -- she's going to be on the Bill Good Show tomorrow -- Mike [McDonald] asks him to 'get the posse together,'" McCullough said.
"They're not just lobbing softball questions to the premier -- they're setting the stage for calls to the leader of the Opposition," McCullough alleged.
And her loyalty to the Premier will be absolute
Friens of Gordo seem to do quite well financially. Would it be good for us? I don't think Gordo bothers one bit it it would or not
no kidding,she has a lot of info.,and the blackmail wages continue.
I thought that Mike was a reference to Mike Morton?
Either she gets the Hydro job or we'll see her on the new improved BCUC.
I think Gordon Campbell has delusions that he has become WAC Bennett and seeks to leave a lasting legacy for BC on the scale of the Two River power policy of the 1960's. Unfortunately, Campbell's legacy likely will be one of expensive windmills and small hydro dams that will become blights on the landscape in 20 years. Oh, I forgot, there will also be a few very rich IPP developers created along the way. For the rest of us, there will be huge bills to pay for this ridiculous plunge into so-called "green" power. This will be the real lasting legacy once Campbell is long gone from the BC political scene. Presumably, Ms. McDonald, if she becomes CEO of Hydro, has been chosen as his puppet executive to get BC Hydro to tow the line so that his green energy plan will be enacted to enrich his IPP friends and screw the rest of us.
Graeme S.
Mr. Tieleman:
Looks like your prediction is coming true after 5 years of detour.
Ms. McDonald is now surely he CEO of BC Hydro, proving that all good things come to those who wait.
Chrales Reid was a bening, ineffective interim leader, and I sure hope Ms. McDonald brings out the whip against the bloat and empire-building that went on at BCH under Reid.
What do you think would be her initial priorities?
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