Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Bill Tieleman - NDP Svengali? BC Business magazine feature profile asks the question

Bill Tieleman in 1975 on Triumph Daytona 500

Bill Tieleman interviewed by Doug Kerr of CBC TV with Eddie Petrossian at Fight HST rally outside Premier Gordon Campbell's office, 2011
I am on the other, uncomfortable side of the pen in the February issue of BC Business magazine - available on newsstands now and online - in a feature profile by writer Richard Littlemore.

The headline asks:  "Bill Tieleman - NDP Svengali?"

I don't agree with everything in the article but think it's a fair and balanced view of what Littlemore describes as my "exotic" role in BC politics.

Some people definitely won't like it - HST, carbon tax and STV fans, for example, and some will - exactly the same reaction I get personally!

There's also a big online photogallery of many in BC politics that I know, in addition to photos in the article.

And do pick up a copy or subscribe to BC Business - always an interesting read.



ron1 said...

Bill, I thought Svengali had long hair.

DPL said...

Pretty good article about our favorite, outsider, insider guy,Bill. Even the,not so friendly people admit he knows his stuff.Something many in the media don't seem to actually know there are many sides to any story.

cherylb said...

Svengali? Evil hypnotist? That's a bit extreme, isn't it?

Regardless, good story.

Anonymous said...


Does anyone care?

Seems to be more addition to the self-advertising to me.

A socialist n a capitalist magazine. Quite odd.

What's next "The Economist?"

Certainly not "On The LeveL" our carpenter's union newspaper.

PeterInEdmonton said...

Some time ago I complained when the CBC introduced you on Bloggerheads as "a political blogger", you took issue with my description of you as "NDP affiliated".

Finally, the mot juste - the next time, "NDP Svengali" it is.

ron1: as somebody who had similar hair then and now: we all have long hair in our own dreams.

Robert Ballantyne said...

I loved the article. And learned lots about Bill Tieleman I didn't know.

Too bad the article never mentioned the great work you have done in support of the Vancouver Island marmot.