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Ida Chong and Gordon Campbell - judgement day delayed but not denied |
Just look at the amazing results.
First - can you imagine how little would have been said in the media about the Harmonized Sales Tax if there had been no recall campaign launched before Christmas?
Do you think that every single one of the BC Liberal leadership candidates would have agreed to move up the date of the HST referendum to at least June instead of September?
Or accepted outgoing Premier Gordon Campbell's pledge that the referendum would be binding and would only require 50% plus one of those voting across the province?
All those conditions being completely different than the non-binding, super-majority rules of the Recall and Initiative Act.
Do you think the BC Liberal caucus would have been nervous as a cat on a hot tin roof without the threat of Recall?
What's more, almost 9,000 individual voters signed a petition calling for cabinet minister Ida Chong to be removed from office because she voted for the HST in the BC Legislature and still supports it today.
Do you think Ida Chong stands much chance of being re-elected after that in the next provincial ballot?
And why do you think current politicians like BC Liberal cabinet minsiter Kevin Krueger and former politicians of every party stripe - from ex-NDP Premier Dan Miller to ex-Social Credit Attorney-General Brian Smith are calling for Recall to be repealed?
The elites have been rocked by Initiative and by Recall - and they don't like it.
It's tough to have made such a valiant effort and come short, to be sure.
But the naysayers in the media who now crow "I told you so" were all to a person dead wrong before when the claimed the Fight HST citizens Initiative would not succeed.
They were wrong when they said former Premier Bill Vander Zalm could never gain the support of voters for the anti-HST campaign.
They were wrong, Gordon Campbell was wrong, the BC Liberals were wrong and political history was made as a result of ordinary people not giving up even when they were told again and again they were wasting their time.
Those who never try never fail.
But those who try are the only ones who will ever succeed - because they have the courage of their convictions.
Will Recall now be successful in Comox or Kamloops?
That's up to the voters there and the exercise of democracy.
But one thing is clear - this province will never be the same because of the 705,643 voters who signed the Fight HST citizens Initiative.
The HST will surely be defeated whenever the referendum is held.
The people will have spoken and after that, the BC Liberal government that imposed this terrible, unfair tax will be called to account.
Voters are waiting.
I should have reiterated a point made by former NDP cabinet minister Paul Ramsey that I quoted in an earlier column:
Ramsey was the subject of a bitter recall campaign in 1998 that failed and he currently opposes recall.
Ramsey wrote in 2003: "There's much to be said against the current recall campaigns in British Columbia. They clearly abuse the intent of the recall legislation. They create bitter divisions in communities. They distract M.L.A.'s and ministers from their real duties of office.
"But the campaigns have proven to be more effective at getting the government's attention than other forms of political protest," he continued. "One thing is clear: the recall campaigns have forced the government to pay far more attention to the local effects of provincial policies.
"Recall petitioners may not gather enough signatures to throw MLAs out of office, but they will affect government policy," he concluded.
And that's another big reason why the recall campaign was not a failure in Oak Bay-Gordon Head.
Bill you didn't mention the slander and intimidation that big business and the BC Liberal party launched towards the recall canvassers, organizers, and signers.
Send in the white coats, Tieleman has finally lost it.
"The Recall campaign . . . in Oak Bay-Gordon Head . . . no failure?"
"Just look at the amazing results?"
First - the media. And here all along I thought the Recall was being measured by the inability to obtain a ridiculous number of signatures.
And I guess that was a success because all the Liberal leadership candidates plans to move the referendum to June - were in the media.
And that must have been a success because it's the one time we can all trust what a Liberal says, when there's an election about to happen.
Of course it turns out that not all of the candidates want to move the referendum to June, guess you can't believe everything you read here. Like how many of them are committed to a majority vote referendum? Like how many of them are committed to a binding referendum?
"There is no guarantee that Campbell's successor will honour his word -- and nothing he promised is in legislation."
Just for the record, Christy Clark doesn't believe the referendum will pass so maybe that's why she changed her mind about it and Mike de Jong thinks it surely will pass but insists on holding it rather than promising to do away with it say February 27.
The Liberals have no reason to be nervous. And Ida's chances in the next election? After nearly 3,000 people LESS than voted for her have signed a meaningless petition that only garnered about 60% of the amount needed? Yeah, her chances seem pretty good (sadly).
"The elites have been rocked (?) by Initiative and by Recall - and they don't like it."
You mean the ones still in power? Wow they must be devastated. I think it was more of a shock to them that anyone would even try to make the act work. They just want to play it safe for the future, less chance of someone accidentally improving the legislation if it no longer exists.
"And an early fair and binding HST referendum vote would end the need for recall."
So what do you think Bill? Is the fair binding referendum such a sure thing that there is no more need for Recall? But there are 3 of them happening at this time so I guess that means . . .
"People who want to join up and try to make this recall campaign a success can attend a town hall meeting with Vander Zalm and Delaney on Friday, Jan. 14..."
Oh, who needs to quibble over signatures, promises and referendums. This campaign was going to be a success no matter what happened, we just needed you to put the famous Tieleman spin on it.
". . . political history was made as a result of ordinary people not giving up even when they were told again and again they were wasting their time."
Apparently they were wasting their time, otherwise why would the Recall schedule be so far behind?
"Phase 2 Recalls:
Kamloops North Recall Organizer: Chad Moats
Comox Valley Recall Organizer: Kathryn Askew
Begin Recalls January 3 – 7
Recall Complete March 7
Phase 3 Recalls:
Cariboo Chilcotin Recall Organizer: Eric Freeston
Saanich North and The Islands
Recall Organizer: Ryan Windsor
Begin Recalls January 31
Recalls Complete March 30"
"The HST will surely be defeated whenever the referendum is held."
I'm more than interested in putting money on that one. How much you got?
"The people will have spoken and after that, the BC Liberal government that imposed this terrible, unfair tax will be called to account."
In an unbinding way, no less.
"Voters are waiting."
And why is that? Three letters.
H S T. Despite all your "success", it's still here.
Maybe if you had tried the other three letters instead.
S T V. Was that "failure" also a "success"?
Check please. And a form fitting straitjacket for my friend.
Absolutely correct Bill. The slimy way the HST was introduced was the straw that broke the SCampbells back. Now every politician of every stripe will have to be more concious of what legislation they introduce in the legislature. People have tasted democracy and there will be no retreat.
Got to agree with you Bill, this is just a mere bump in the road ahead. So we tipped a little but kept on going.
The tenacity and determination of the public are going to win over the corrupt BC Liberal government and their business thug supporters. The more these cretins threaten and intimidate the public, the more determined the public will be to see the total collapse of the BC Liberal Party.
I think the key to all of our problems will be a FULL PUBLIC ENQUIRY into the BC Rail Corruption. Only then will the extent of corruption become publicly recognized - as the tentacles reach out all over. Follow the money is a phrase that comes to mind. It is indeed frightening and the HST is the cream on top of the cake for businesses All this at the expense of the public purse and democracy.
I think we will find that the upcoming recalls will fare much better - certainly the volunteers will not be put off by "MLA intimidation observers". Easy to fix - take pictures of each and every one of them and then publish them on line in a "Hall of Intimidation Mugshot Gallery". Would make an interesting site and possibly make intimidators think and would give police a picture of who to prosecute should the need arise.
The BC Liberal party should be seriously concerned - after all they have perpetuated a "Decade of Dishonesty, Deception and Deceit" and many people have suffered badly through their ideological rampage (literally).
"Those who never try never fail.
But those who try are the only ones who will ever succeed - because they have the courage of their convictions."
Exactly Bill. One of my brothers, a staunch Lib/con asked me why I do these things (Like recall). My reply was " so that my children and descendants don't have to live through the tyranny I see rising in this country.
We are pushing ahead with recall in the Cariboo Chilcotin and we just may have a winner. If Donna Barnett crosses the floor and sits as a independent that may just stop the Recall. If I pay my 50 bucks and submit my reasons before she crosses the recall goes ahead anyway.
Well Bill I agree with you. Nine thousand voter signatures is nothing to sneeze at. That is a lot of people who want to see her gone.
You are right Bill. It wasn't a failure. But it's time to call it quits. It was very important that this recall effort succeed in unseating Ida. It didn't happen. People are in a different mindset and the momentum is gone. Let's wait and see if the Lieberals honour Gordo's promise before we take the next step.
As an Oak Bay-Gordon Head anti-HST volunteer, I am proud to be part of a democratic movement that called for Ida's accountability.
The Recall was:
- keeping the HST issue to the fore, and
- a shot across the bow of the Good Ship fiberal.
Lessons learned include that:
-many people still think the HST pays for health and education programs, and
- will create jobs!
More information is needed about the growing unemployment caused by the HST and that the HST is so-called "revenue neutral" and it does NOT contribute to health or education costs.
It is a massive, regressive tax shift from corporations onto consumers that is sparking inflation and creating unemployment (today it was revealed that BC's unemployment rate rose from 7.6 to 8.1%!)
I saw Ida Chong on TV, blaming the NDP, for her recall. I'm not NDP and I think if someone should have been turfed out, it's Ida Chong. Stuffing her face with, $6,000 for food on the tax payers dollars, turned me right off. BC has over 121,000 children, living in poverty. Some BC children have died. I voted Liberal once, and that was once too often. Campbell and Hansen's blatant lying is disgraceful. Campbell and the BC Liberals have brought, only shame to this province, by their corruption.
The msm, pab, and the intimidators have won this round.
"First - can you imagine how little would have been said in the media about the Harmonized Sales Tax if there had been no recall campaign launched before Christmas?"
There was already alot said about the HST, regardless of the recall.
The referendum date was already set before the recall was.
"Do you think that every single one of the BC Liberal leadership candidates would have agreed to move up the date of the HST referendum to at least June instead of September?"
Yes, regardless of the recall.
"Or accepted outgoing Premier Gordon Campbell's pledge that the referendum would be binding and would only require 50% plus one of those voting across the province?"
That was the decision made before the recall began.
"All those conditions being completely different than the non-binding, super-majority rules of the Recall and Initiative Act."
Correct, but non-binding does not nessesarily mean thetre would not be any binding of the result. That option was always open.
"Do you think the BC Liberal caucus would have been nervous as a cat on a hot tin roof without the threat of Recall?"
Some were, many were not.
"What's more, almost 9,000 individual voters signed a petition calling for cabinet minister Ida Chong to be removed from office because she voted for the HST in the BC Legislature and still supports it today."
The majority of voters in Oak Bay did not. There was no massive undertakng of support. Hence it failed.
"so that my children and descendants don't have to live through the tyranny I see rising in this country.
We are pushing ahead with recall in the Cariboo Chilcotin and we just may have a winner. If Donna Barnett crosses the floor and sits as a independent that may just stop the Recall. If I pay my 50 bucks and submit my reasons before she crosses the recall goes ahead anyway."
Gary, you'v enever seen tyranny. Just because one does not like the BC Liberals and there are many voters that don't, that does not make it tyranny.
This "tyranny" label is an old brake shoe worn out.
Was it tyranny when the NDP was in power??
The recall effort to get rid of Ida was a worthwhile event.Ida won't get elected next time around. Her record of doing nothing will continue to follow her
I see in a website analysis posting that is coming out of Egypt this week, that the son of Mubarek has been dealing with business interests that are selling off Egyptian agricultural and businesses to China and other countries. The Egyptian people do not want to lose control over their nationally owned companies and investments anymore than we do here in B.C.
Sound familiar?
So what is Adrian Dix's position on the removal of the HST?
Will he clearly and explicitly state that the HST will be gone within 6 months of the NDP assuming power?
Let's get to the basics and have Dix state exactly what he intends to do, and when he will do it.
This puck is now on your side of the ice Bill, let's see how Dix stickhandles it.
"I see in a website analysis posting that is coming out of Egypt this week, that the son of Mubarek has been dealing with business interests that are selling off Egyptian agricultural and businesses to China and other countries. The Egyptian people do not want to lose control over their nationally owned companies and investments anymore than we do here in B.C.
Sound familiar?"
Big difference between Egypt and B.C. I was wondering why such a silly comparison took so long to appear here.
From the Kamloops This Week newspaper on January 27:
Dix also contends there is no other region in B.C. that feels more “betrayed” by its Liberal MLAs over the harmonized sales tax then Kamloops.
He pledged to get rid of the HST if he wins the race and the tax is in still in place.
to the last poster, what was the BC Liberals stance on the HST before the last election again? or better yet what BC Liberal has been opposed to the HST? which BC Liberal has said there going to get rid it?
you want to talk about the basic's do you, well im more worried about the facts and they go something like this, not one single BC Liberal has been opposed to the HST or said they will get rid of it, which makes it very easy for me to understand why the Premier had to stand down and walk away from his job.
a little bit of honestly goes along way which is something the BC Liberals cant seem to get a grasp on which explains why the public has such a hard time believing anything they have to say regarding the tax.
Reading this frantic article I am reminded of the same author's anti-Carole James, anti-Moe Sihota screeds.
It's the same quality of thinking.
Does anyone doubt that Bill is counting on Dix to fire Sihota as his first official act as leader? And spend the $72 grand saved on Sihota's salary on a contract to be issued to BC's most aggressive "left-wing" political consultant?
After all, that's the real game in BC politics, personalities and rewards. All the jabber and blarney about right and left philosophies is just chaff intended to deceive and manipulate naive voters.
"to the last poster, what was the BC Liberals stance on the HST before the last election again?"
Been stated over and over again. There wasn't any.
"or better yet what BC Liberal has been opposed to the HST? which BC Liberal has said there going to get rid it? "
None of them has said they would, but many on The Left have said it should go (and quite rightly), but have yet to see any direction from the NDP Leadership candidates on it.
It will be up to them to get rid of it should they become government. If they don't they are hypocrites.
"you want to talk about the basic's do you, well im more worried about the facts and they go something like this, not one single BC Liberal has been opposed to the HST or said they will get rid of it, which makes it very easy for me to understand why the Premier had to stand down and walk away from his job."
There was alot more to that than just the HST that led to his departure, but that was the biggie.
"a little bit of honestly goes along way which is something the BC Liberals cant seem to get a grasp on which explains why the public has such a hard time believing anything they have to say regarding the tax."
It also holds true for the NDP. They desperately want to be goverment and haven't come up with anything specific yet in regards to removing the HST within 6 months of assuming government.
If Adrian Dix has the will, it can be done. Takes only one Legislation Bill to do it.
"Dix also contends there is no other region in B.C. that feels more “betrayed” by its Liberal MLAs over the harmonized sales tax then Kamloops."
That's not true. There are other places such as Prince George and
"He pledged to get rid of the HST if he wins the race and the tax is in still in place"
Pledging is just ambigious. Let's see a specific time line for it.
Something more solid and specific than just a "pledge". Get something in writitng to give to the voters and stick to it.
All BC Liberal MLA's are to be blamed just as much as Campbell. They have (MLA's) always had a choice - they could either go Independent or follow party lines. Only one BC Liberal party MLA had the balls to call it like he saw it - and that was Blair Leckstrom.
It doesn't matter what you want to complain about - BC Rail Sale, BC Hydro dismantling, Health Care Cuts - all of it was basically approved by the MLA's. They could have walked at any time but didn't.
So that being said, every one of the BC Liberal MLA's are fair game. After all they were complicit in the ten years of dishonesty in government, the massive deception and lies to try and confuse the public. Let's not forget the role the BC Media has played in promoting and backiing Campbell with his nefarious ways.
RECALL is the only way to go and bug the hell out of every BC Liberal MLA - to ensure that they get the message. Once one MLA is recalled, others will follow as the public begins to see the strength of the cards they hold.
It can and will work - just needs more people to have the courage to sign up and not be intimidated by big business interests, Craig James (narcissistic idiot) and the BC Liberal party.
I just can't stomach that photo of Ida and Gordo.
Really? These are the chosen few, that the people of BC have elected to manage all our really really important shit?
Just LOOK at them.
There is nothing about them that inspires my trust or confidence. Yuck. WTF people??
Sure, it obvious that recall is the most important tool, even though its no where near perfect, that ordinary people have to re-gain a little democracy in BC. Let's hope it works, but even if it doesn't, let's hope it scares all those who hold office and public trust and all those back room boys who still set the direction for the Liberal government.
On that note, I want to add the following which may at first seem a little off topic. Who said:
"The issues are much too important for the Chilean voters to be left to decide for themselves ... I don't see why we need to stand by and watch a country go communist due to the irresponsibility of its people,"
Of course, it was good old Henry Kissinger said that at the time of President Allende's assassination.
I suppose when the Liberals sat in caucus they too could have well heard Gordo and Christy Clark and de Jong and Falcon say something like: "The issues are much too important for the B.C. voters to be left to decide for themselves ... We need to privitize everything, despite the cost and what we promised."
The back room boys who ran the shock and awe campaign to separate the citizens of BC from publicly owned assets, and who now run Christy Clark's election machine certainly must have felt the same.
Recall all the MLAs who sat idly by while we were sold out. Boycott the corporate media for not holding Gordo responsible and who are now largely against recall and an inquiry into the BC Rail fiasco.
to the individual so concerned with Adrian Dix, which NDP MLA said they support and will bring in the HST in the last election?
the facts speak for themselves, the people of BC dont want this tax and what more proof do you need, the Premier resigned because of it.
the average voter has 2 choices here, pick the Libs and your guaranteed never to get rid of the tax and all the baggage that came with it(save for a disgraced premier) or vote for another party.
its a simple choice as everyone knows every member of the BC Liberals support the tax.so why would i be worried about Adrian Dix.
The recall campaign may not have achieved its goal of being able to remove Ms. Chong but it did activate a lot of people. That on its own was a win.
People become apathetic and will complain about what politicans do but mostly there is nothing people can do about it until the next election.
What this recall caimpaign has done is clearly demonstrated people can take action. The threat of being removed from office sometimes is enough for politicians do pay more attention to what the voters actually want.
I believe the recall legislation should be kept on the books and give the voters an opportunity to voice their dissatisfaction with their MLAs, if need be.
opie dopie says:
And that must have been a success because it's the one time we can all trust what a Liberal says, when there's an election about to happen.
Now, I have to admit I stumbled when I read this. However I believe that you have this entirely wrong. The time for lies, and this has been proven in the past, is when there is an election looming. Now is the time to not believe a word any Liberal says, promises, writes, leaks, fantasizes, believes, dreams about, tweets or facebooks.
Anonymous 4:53,
I don't know if you missed the previous paragraph or missed what Bill said but you definitely missed something. You are absolutely right, of course Liberal lies at election time have been proven from past history.
So why would anyone take notice of what they say at election time? Yet this is what Bill has done to justify labelling the Recall campaign a success.
Obviously Recall was a failure. I was simply showing the absurdity of basing his claim on the honesty of a Liberal election promise.
It's called sarcasm.
Tieleman, it sounds like you are trying to make chicken salad out of chicken s***.
Forget the MSM and that whacko Hochstein. 2 factors killed recall:
1. The announcement that the referendum would be binding.
2. Emperor Gordo's announcement that he is leaving the building.
After those announcements, most people didn't see what recall was going to accomplish, beyond feeding the Zalmer's ego.
If you are really serious about dumping the HST, suspend recall and start organizing for the referendum.
Of course, you can keep on drinking the kool-aid.
Twenty reasons why it's kicking off everywhere
Chong is just another pig at the trough. Is there a specific part of town where she likes to chow down? Must be expensive.
I can hardly wait to hear her tell her constituents what her concerns are for them come election time.
Will she tell them if elected she will bust her a-- to get the pipeline built so the tankers can deliver oil to china. Will she tell them if elected she will encourage more fish farms?
Will she tell them if elected she will support ruining every river in BC to sell this US owned power in BC to the US?
And you will want to be part of a cover up on BC Rail. And you will in their best interests be a part of selling BC Hydro to foreiners and their shareholders. Will you have the decency to tell your constituents what your plans are for BC? BC taxpayers would be better off if you would just pack it in. Do you plan on getting a better meal allowance?
"2. Emperor Gordo's announcement that he is leaving the building."
Only he has not left! He is just ignoring a mostly complicit media.
Campbell should have been forced to resign over, his theft and corrupt sale of the BCR. That was an election lie, the BCR wasn't for sale. He should have been booted out for his criminal charge, of his DUI. The HST election lie, the HST wasn't on Campbell and Hansen's radar. The papers were on Hansen's desk, before the election. Campbell's lies, deceit and cheating to win, is totally despicable. To force the HST onto the very people who can't afford it, and said so. Campbell's piss on you attitude, you are paying it anyway, angered the people he cheated. And, that he gave our HST money, he had stolen from us, and it to, the other snake in the grass Harper? Why would we not be angry. You would have to be insane, not to see the HST, has killed this province. BC is dead last, lost the most jobs. This province has failed. Campbell thieved this province and the people, so terribly, I doubt BC can ever recover.
"just can't stomach that photo of Ida and Gordo. "
Well who said you had to?
"Really? These are the chosen few, that the people of BC have elected to manage all our really really important shit? "
The NDP could have been elected in 2005, or in 2009, and weren't. What does that tell you?
Just LOOK at them.
There is nothing about them that inspires my trust or confidence. Yuck. WTF people??
Is there something amongst the NDP that inspires trust or confidence?
Mike Farnworth is close, but not a 100% score.
Opie certainly IS Dopey!
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