They will soon find out, thanks to ongoing polling being conducted right now for the Greens by Oraclepoll Research, as first reported yesterday by my 24 hours colleague Sean Holman on his must-read website Public Eye Online.
Co-deputy Green leader Adriane Carr, the former BC Green Party leader, is their candidate in the riding. Apparently the party is spending some of its federal funding on polling, and heavily targeting veteran federal Liberal MP Hedy Fry.

And now I can tell you exactly what the Green Party is asking voters in Van Centre - because I have all their questions! Just as I did when the federal Conservatives were polling Van Centre to see if Lorne Mayencourt would be a good candidate.
Once again, a diligent reader has kindly forwarded to me the results of a telephone interview that took place Monday night. Here's what the Greens want to know:
1. What do you think of the Green Party candidate Adriane Carr?
2. Has Liberal Hedy Fry been an effective MP?
3. What is the most important issue in the country?
4. What is the most important issue in the riding?
5. If a federal election were held today who would you vote for?
Liberal - Hedy Fry
Conservative - Lorne Mayencourt
NDP - Randall Garrison
Green - Adriane Carr
6. What party would you NOT consider voting for?
Oraclepoll Research has previously polled for the Green Party, asking Canadians in 2004 about including the Greens in the federal party leaders debates.
Oraclepoll 's website does not list the Green Party as a client but says it does polling for a variety of individual political candidates:
"Oraclepoll Research has conducted Riding polls for various candidates across Canada at the Federal and Provincial levels. Extensive polling has also been conducted at the municipal level. Because of issues related to confidentiality references will be dealt with as requested."
Oraclepoll Research is listed as a political contributor to the Ontario Liberal Party of Premier Dalton McGuinty in 2005, donating $315.
It also lists a variety of environmental groups and others among its clients:
environmental / associations / not for profit / labour
Environmental Defence
COPE (The Coalition Against Paving the Escarpment)
TEA (Toronto Environmental Alliance)
FON (Federation of Ontario Naturalists)
OCAA (Ontario Clean Air Alliance)
World Wildlife Fund
Sudbury Chamber of Commerce
AMO (Association of Municipalities of Ontario)
Canadian Institute of Chartered Business Valuators
Retail Wholesale Workers Union
But Oraclepoll Research isn't just a green machine - it does polling for corporate clients with a less than environmentally friendly background, such as:
Corporate Clients
Inco Ltd.
Johnson & Johnson
Northwest Territories Power Corporation
General Motors
Sea Ray Boats
With this attitude, Carr could have won a seat in Government...under original dunce-capper Chretien.
Talk about a vanity project. She has no chance to win, unless she dons ill-fitting black leather pants that will make her derriere look like a couch, speaks in a put-on Brit accent, gets a serious tan, and admits to lying about people as far away as Prince George.
Nah, who'd wanna do that when you can just look like Mr. Ed with long hair and talk almost as effectively.
Er, ... Bill, what's so environmentally unfriendly about Sea Ray Boats?
The elegant insights of two Mr. T's in the very same place.
Too bad one of them appears to be suffering, and somewhat chronically it would appear, from a whiff of the ad hominem.
This poll is a wise thing to do, and is done by all the major parties to better plan their election campaigns.
Rest assured that the Greens are on the ground organizing and canvassing for support there as well.
The Green party cannot be easily dismissed. When Elizabeth May came in second in the London NC byelection, ahead of the NDP & Conservative candidates, it proved that the Green Party IS electable. It seems to me that none of the old line parties are doing the things they talk about, and we're getting nowhere fast with their inaction. It's time for a real change.
I wish Adriane Carr the best of luck. It will be an exciting race!
(note: yes, my opinion is somewhat biased, as I am an active Green Party volunteer, but that doesn't make it any less true. ;-)
Cameron - thanks for your posting. I have previously pointed out on this blog that Elizabeth May and the Greens should not be dismissed after the London North by-election - see this posting:
But that doesn't mean the Greens are electable - not yet. And Adrian Carr really has no chance in Vancouver Centre - but I will trumpet your prediction that she does if she wins!
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