Don't be deceived: A behind-the-scenes
fight to succeed Adrian Dix is well underway.
John Horgan, left, Mike Farnworth look on as NDP leadership winner Adrian Dix speaks on April 17, 2011 - Bill Tieleman photo |
Tuesday February 11, 2014
By Bill Tieleman
war is deception."
- Sun Tzu
be deceived by public indications, because a fierce war is already being fought
for the B.C. New Democratic Party leadership.
this is a battle being fought by shadow warriors -- until they choose the right
time to step into the light.
the B.C. Legislature resumes sitting today after an inexcusable absence of 200
days, attention will naturally focus on the BC Liberal government's throne
speech, its stated agenda for new policies.
while the traditional jousting between Opposition and government will dominate
proceedings, simultaneously behind the scenes NDP MLAs will be involved in
another, internal fight to determine who will next lead the party into the 2017
election after Adrian Dix steps down.
To date
the only leadership announcements have been to say "No, thanks": MLAs
John Horgan, Judy Darcy, George Heyman; Members of Parliament Nathan Cullen,
Peter Julian, Fin Donnelly, Jinny Sims and Kennedy Stewart; and Vancouver Mayor
Gregor Robertson and city councillor Geoff Meggs have all declined the chance
to succeed Dix.
even this list of non-combatants is deceiving, for serious efforts are underway by party and labour
activists to convince Horgan -- the fiery veteran who placed
third in 2011's leadership vote -- to reconsider and run again.
shadow campaign teams are actively soliciting support from MLAs, unions and key
individuals who can provide the votes and money needed to win the one-member,
one-vote contest that concludes in September.
hasn't said no
MLA Mike Farnworth, a former cabinet minister
under NDP premiers Mike Harcourt and Glen Clark in the 1990s, is generally seen
as the frontrunner after placing second to Dix last time.
Many of
Farnworth's past backers are actively seeking support again now and believe he
could have won the failed 2013 campaign against Premier Christy Clark.
others, including Horgan himself when he announced he would not run last
October, feel that it's time for new blood in leadership to face the future.
was hearing an inevitability about it. I felt it was best to get out of the way
for our younger members. It will open up the party to new ideas. It was
imperative I made this announcement to clear the field," Horgan told media
late Sunday it appeared Horgan was indeed reconsidering. In an interview with
CKNW AM 980 Radio's Shane Woodford, Horgan said: "I am candidly a bit
disappointed. I was hopeful that we would have seen some of the younger people
step up but I also understand, having been a leadership candidate, how
absolutely daunting it is. It is a difficult task criss crossing the province
particularly just so closely after a defeat."
Horgan admitted he was being courted to run again.
there certainly is an increasing amount of pressure for me to revisit my
decision. I haven't done that. As I say I am going to stick to what I am doing
now and as time unfolds we will see what happens September is a long way away.
I am going to get through this week and then I am going to get through the week
after that."
Horgan's second thoughts on a leadership bid, members holding his original view
that it's time for a changing of the NDP guard are coalescing around new MLA David Eby, who became a giant killer by defeating Clark in
her own Vancouver-Point Grey riding and entered electoral politics with a
significant reputation as executive director of the BC Civil Liberties
Association and lawyer for Pivot Legal Society representing marginalized people
in the city's Downtown Eastside.
UPDATE - On February 14 David Eby announced he was dropping out of the BC NDP leadership consideration because his partner Cailey Lynch is pregnant, with their first child due in September.
Both Eby's
greatest strength and biggest challenge come from his past public advocacy
roles, with former NDP government staffer turned turncoat BC Liberal Brad Zubyk
already attacking Eby.
a grandstander," Zubyk told The Province's
Michael Smyth. "There are lots of people working quietly every day to help
the homeless, but David Eby goes the YouTube route. He wants attention."
backing Eby are convinced a pre-emptive strike by Zubyk, who executed
ex-corporate CEO Jim Shepard's $1-million pre-election advertising smear campaign against Dix, is a clear
indication Eby is most feared by Clark and her strategists.
other New Democrats are unconvinced either Farnworth or Eby are the right
choice, so they are now heavily pressuring Horgan to re-join the battle,
despite his October statement that it is time for new ideas and people.
browns and greens
believe only Horgan can find a balance between the two solitudes that often
plague the NDP -- the classic "brown" versus "green", or
jobs versus the environment conundrum that bedevilled Dix after a mid-campaign announcement reversing
his neutral position on the proposed Kinder Morgan pipeline by saying he now
opposed it as well as the Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline plan.
surprise decision appeared to be the turning point in the election, letting a
hard-hat wearing Clark to triumph against overwhelming odds by making the
ballot question who would best lead on jobs and the economy.
position played well in Vancouver and Victoria, but was devastating amongst
blue-collar workers in key swing ridings like Kamloops and other Interior and
northern seats.
is seen by several union leaders and former NDP premier Dan Miller, who Horgan
served as chief of staff, as the only potential leader who could avoid a repeat
defeat on the same issue.
think he'd be the perfect guy," Miller told host Vaughn Palmer of Shaw
TV's Voice of B.C. on Jan. 30. "He looks good. He's a stand-up guy. He
looks you in the eye. He's a straight shooter." It all sets the stage not
for a "lacklustre" contest, as some have predicted, but a
hearts and minds battle that may determine the party's path for years.
forward, warriors
of whether Horgan reverses course and enters the race or whether Farnworth and
Eby ultimately decide to run, the reasons for likely candidates not announcing
for leader are many and strong.
a campaign without committed support can lead to major public embarrassment
when key endorsements go to other candidates.
Liberal Finance Minister Mike de Jong was seen as a heavyweight in the party
but couldn't convince a single MLA to support his cause.
especially after a massive party effort that raised record donations in 2013,
will be difficult -- and half of every dollar given to a leadership candidate
goes to the NDP provincial office.
But the
entry fee of $25,000 and a party spending limit of $350,000 shows finding a lot
of financial backing is critical.
And the
successful candidate needs more than just member votes -- they require high
profile endorsements, and must be able to herd cats in the NDP caucus, deal
with the prickly press gallery, navigate tricky party politics around potential
pipelines, liquefied natural gas, fracking and the possible Site C dam, plus
develop a very thick skin to shield from both external and internal attacks.
his campaign crash, Dix -- who I endorsed in 2011 -- set the bar high by
calming a caucus openly at war that forced leader Carole James' departure;
launching endless and successful fundraising efforts, especially in the
business community; breaking major news regularly; demonstrating an exhaustive
grasp of a wide range of issues; and driving BC Liberal support and Christy
Clark's approval rating into what seemed a bottomless ditch.
whomever wins the NDP leadership will face incredible expectations of victory
from a party that feels it was robbed of government by an amazingly poor campaign and will have
been out of office for 16 years by the 2017 election.
prospects for any potential candidate, but if the risks are high, the reward is
too: by reversing the results in just nine seats, the next
NDP leader can become premier.
And that's
enough incentive for warriors to step out of the shadows and into a party